Did you know that Sinclair has its very own literary magazine? The magazine is called “Flights” and you can have your work featured in it. Its latest edition is fresh off the press and includes a number of powerful voices.
This year’s edition features work by Sinclair’s very own Poet Laureate Prof. Amanda Hayden, acclaimed writer Danila Botha, award-winning author Alan Gartenhaus, and Richard T. Rauch among many others.
Every fall, a new edition is published. Submissions will open Jan 1, 2024, and will be read until May 15. The magazine accepts prose (short stories), poetry, creative nonfiction, and submissions for cover art. For further guidelines, visit their website here.
This year’s publication features gorgeous cover art by Susannah King, titled “Joyous”. Plus, it has work by 26 different writers.

When asked about the newest issue, Jamey Dunham, the Poetry Editor of the magazine, described it using the three words “eclectic, inspired and empowering.”
Dunham said, “Managing Editor, Kate Geiselman, has a vision for the journal and the publication has grown by leaps and bounds since she took the helm.”
“As Poetry Editor, this year I worked with Sinclair student Amanda Banaszak, who served as our Guest Poetry Editor, and the collaboration was truly energizing. Amanda is an accomplished writer and reader of poetry, and her insights and thoughtful eye ensured the poetry selected for inclusion was both unique and collectively excellent,” Dunham said.
To access the 2023 edition of “Flights”, you can download the pdf for free, or you can order a physical copy on their website. You can also read previous editions of the magazine in their online archives.
Macey Heys