• Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025
 The Diversity Fair in the Loggia
Public Safety Officer D. James taught students about the great work his department does to keep everyone safe. If ever in need, anyone on campus can get help by calling 937-512-2700 or by heading to a blue emergency station.
Tom Roberts, the advisor for the Sinclair Ohio Fellows program was also at the event, celebrating 40 years ever since the program first started. The SOF focuses on developing leadership potential and skills centered around a strong sense of human values. 
The International Office welcomed a wide spectrum of students to it’s table, hosted by Study Abroad Admissions Coordinator Monika Daibnerova and Community College Impact Program student Azka. 

African American Male Initiative

Academic Coach Andre M. Roldan II and student Malik hosted the African American Male Initiative club booth. The AAMI focuses on helping the African American males of Sinclair in reaching their academic goals. 
Project Director Simone Stone and student India represented Student Support Services. They offered visitors to their table a chance to walk away with some Sinclair swag in a fun, interactive game. 
Sinclair also offers both academic and personal counseling services for students that need someone to talk to. 

Photos by Jay Mazega and Kay Tillie Peters.