Mr. Bodary, who we may all know as the Chair of the Communication department, gave some advice to those who may need to hear some words of motivation during the fall semester. Now that we all find ourselves either stressed or worried about things that may or may not be in our control, Bodary shares how to possibly deal with it by giving some words of wisdom.
“How we respond to stress can either help or hurt us,” he said.
Knowing that there will be problems along the way either that we want or don’t want can still find the way to oneself.
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As students we sometimes forget that we are overwhelmed by our schoolwork or life and forget that we have the resources to help in those certain areas. At times, we feel that it is just us against the world and we have no one to look for help when we have all the help we need in front of us.
“Too often we think we are on our own when in reality, a little bit of networking and communication you can find someone close to you is in a similar path,” he said.
Knowing that resources are there on campus and or people you can reach out to must be a good feeling as a student. There may be a day in the future where a student can connect with someone to help them with their problem and get what they need.
“You may be a student about to graduate and may not know where to look for a job,” he said.
By knowing the resources that are available to you or by reaching out to people, you can make lifelong connections that will last you for time to come.

At times, to let go of some of your everyday stress, it may take just a simple walk or exercise session to feel better.
“Exercise is a benefit and I try to incorporate it into my daily life,” he said.
Deciding to go out for a simple walk with music can be the right thing to clear your mind and gather the necessary thoughts to tackle your worries at hand.
During his time in college, Bodary had a few role models that he looked up to. He really enjoyed how some of his professors taught in class and taught how to find a balance in life and school.
“There were a few professors that I looked up to not only to their approach to teaching but, also their approach to finding balance,” he said.
As students we should remember that we won’t be able to control everything that comes our way and that we should only control what we can.
Jose Valdez