• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Sinclair Alumni Publishes Children’s Book

Chaos and discord have a way of springing on us when we least expect it. Our lives can challenge us, frustrate us, and fray the bonds we hold with each other. If we take to heart and show courage, though, we might just inspire each other, conquer our obstacles, and bring a little peace into our world.

In a nutshell, that’s the message of Sinclair graduate Kelvin Buerkle’s new book, “Turtle and a Circle.” Buerkle collaborated with illustrator James A. Roberson on the project, a children’s book released in paperback and eBook format last month. Colorful and well-written, it tells the story of an old turtle who can’t fall asleep after a noisy construction crew brings the craziness of a new roundabout to his quiet neighborhood. A mess of busted bumpers and fired-up feelings comes with it, but the turtle finds a way to bring everyone back together again.

Buerkle based the story on a roundabout built in his family’s neighborhood. He saw a turtle in their front yard crawling through the street. That turtle later became the inspiration for the story’s titular character. 

Buerkle wants to inspire people with his book. He received an Associate’s in Criminal Justice from Sinclair and works locally as a police officer. He believes Sinclair helped him develop into a well-rounded person and he appreciated being able to meet people from “so many different backgrounds.”

“For a student and for anyone in general that has a dream that they want to get out there, it’s possible,” he said. “My meaning and my theme [in this book] is that we live in a world where everyone really needs to come together.”

 Buerkle faced challenges in the process of writing. Publishing his book took longer than anticipated but, in the end, he put out something he’s proud of.

“It was a very, very long process,” he said. “It was longer than I think it should be to get it out. I did a lot of research on YouTube, I self-published it, I paid for the ISBN number, I contracted with an illustrator off of Fiverr, contacted the copyright office, and spent a lot of my personal money to do this, too.”

Collaborating with illustrator Roberson was the most important part of the process. Buerkle chose him after vetting his portfolio and reviews and feels they communicated very well throughout the book production process. Roberson enjoyed working with Buerkle as well.

“Kelvin was amazingly patient and kind through the process, which took longer than expected,” Roberson said. “There were so many cars and cartoon animals driving and yellin’ that I wanted to take my time and really figure out how to present them in a fun way that matched the energy of the writing.”

Through patient cooperation, Buerkle and Roberson put out a book made with intention and love.  Buerkle learned a lot throughout the process. 

“I always wanted to write a story and get it out there as part of my legacy,” he said. “I already have content for new books after going through this process. I know what I would change and do differently.”

You can buy “Turtle and a Circle” on Amazon. Keep an eye on its Facebook. You can check out more illustrations from Roberson, also known as JARHUMOR, at his website.

Carlos Jilson
