• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Sinclair Event Tackles White Male Supremacy

On Monday, Jan. 24, Sinclair Community College will be hosting a diversity event via Zoom from 11 a.m. to noon, in which Jared Cutler, Assistant Provost of Accreditation and Assessment, will be running the event. 

“This event is focused on equity and looking at evidence that explains and proves structural racism is real and how it can go overlooked and unnoticed,” Cutler said.

Therefore, the event is titled “It’s the Fish Who Can’t See The Water” because it is a metaphor stating: “that the most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about.” This event will tackle the issue of why it is so hard to discuss white male supremacy that we see demonstrated throughout America in past and current years. 

It is an ongoing issue and often people who are not in the dominant group are often at a disadvantage. It happens so often and isn’t typically discussed, which is why it continues to go on without recognition or resistance.

This is just one of Sinclair’s many different Diversity and Inclusion events. Sinclair also does TED Talks, podcasts, and webinars designed around diversity, including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation/gender identity/expression, socio-economic status, age, disabilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, cultural perspectives, other ideologies, veteran status, and country of origin.

Most events for Sinclair this semester will be hosted on Zoom due to the increase of COVID-19 cases. The Black Unity Conference that Sinclair is hosting on Feb. 4 and 5 was originally supposed to be one of the first completely in-person events according to Cutler but has since been moved to an online event. To learn more about Sinclair’s mission to support diversity on campus and other events click here. To register for “It’s the Fish Who Can’t See The Water” click here.

Marquie Peyton
