• Wed. Feb 26th, 2025

(Source:Razer/Jan Horak)

COVID-19 influences almost every aspect of daily life now, and that’s no different when it comes to up and coming tech products. Razer, the company known for its line of gaming PC’s and equipment, has unveiled their newest project – Project Hazel


Project Hazel is an N95 mask, designed to be a ‘smart mask’. It’s rechargeable, is powered by RGB, and has features like rechargeable ventilators and built-in UV sanitation. One of the main features of this mask, still only in the concept phase and showcased at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2021, is its light-up mouth area so that the wearer’s lips can be seen and its built-in microphone to amplify your voice. 


(The creator have great plans for Project Hazel. Source:Youtube/Razer)

Some key features include a low light feature, which will light up the inner portion of the mask around the face in low light conditions so that it’s easier to see the person talking. Not only does this make it more efficient in high noise conditions, but those who are deaf or hard of hearing and need to read lips will also be able to with this mask. 

Another feature is that the mask is waterproof and scratch-resistant, making it practical for daily wear no matter what you’re doing. The mask has replaceable filters as well as a rechargeable ventilator so that you’ll always breathe easy and clean. The mask is a surgical classification and therefore would be one of the better masks on the market. It also has an airtight seal, meaning the mask will stay secure, and won’t hug your mouth. 

While Razer has introduced the design and features, the mask is still only a concept and has not yet been put into production. Cost, release date and other details remain unknown. It’s possible this mask may never hit the market, but with the COVID pandemic now fully integrated into daily life, and seemingly not going away any time soon, it’s possible this product could hit the market inside the next year.

Jeri Hensley
Creative Director