For midterm break, Sinclair Community College hosted puppies on campus to relieve some stress for students and staff. Puppies on campus is a great way to bring smiles to Sinclair’s grounds. 4 Paws for Ability brought their precious puppies that will one day be service animals that will provide comfort and support for individuals who need them.
4 Paws for Ability was founded by Karen Shirk, who is alive today because of her service dog.
Shirk was home-alone with her service dog after an open heart surgery. Due to a bad mix of medicine, she was left unconscious. Her service dog Ben dragged her ringing phone next to her, placed it beside her and continuously barked until her father realized something was wrong and rushed over.
4 Paws for Ability provides service dogs to children worldwide. The highly-qualified dogs enrich the child’s life by always being there for them. It gives them a partner who will provide them with constant companionship and support, especially when they need it the most. Having a service dog provides the child with more self-independence.

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The midterm relief of having puppies was enjoyed by everyone. The next puppies on campus event will occur during finals week on the Building 8 stage from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. on Dec. 10 and 11, a time when everyone can once again use this comforting outlet.
When going to puppies on campus each individual who wants to hold and pet the pups must sign a release form and put on hand sanitizer so the puppies are not at risk of getting sick.
4 Paws for Ability also accepts donations during the events. They recommend people to bring Clorox cleaning supplies, paper towels, laundry detergent, dishwashing soap, hand sanitizer, dog treats, batteries and much more.
“The environment was so happy and calming,” Karrie Myers, a student visiting puppies on campus said. “The puppies really helped decrease my stress levels and increased my happiness.”
Puppies on campus is one way for friends to get together and forget about the stress and worry brought on by exams for just a few minutes while holding cute, comforting puppers.
Nikki Neumann