• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

For the last five years, Mary Rospert has worked at Sinclair and is currently a Program Specialist for the Taylor Scholarship. I am sure I speak for many others when I say that my success in college has been greatly impacted by support from Mary. 

When asked her favorite thing about her job, she responded, “is it cliché to say students?” She explained that every student brings forth a different relationship and that it allows her job to be different every day.

As a young girl living in Woodville, Ohio, Mary wanted to be a wrestler. Once that dream faded, she realized that she wanted to work with people in the world of service but was unsure of where it would go (not to a wrestling ring, apparently).

She went to the University of Kentucky and graduated as a communication major with a double minor in sociology and philosophy. Mary’s attraction to deep thinking and interest in “listening to other people’s reasoning and trying to put [herself] in their shoes” has shown through in the many meetings I have had with her.

After earning her degree, Mary began working in college admissions for Tiffin University and she has worked in higher education since. 

In working at Sinclair, she enjoys “the ever-changing mission to help serve students where they are.” She hopes that other than just a degree, Sinclair students gain life experience.

She encourages volunteering as well as getting involved on campus and hopes that students realize that even though they are not living on campus, some of the same experiences can still be found at Sinclair.

Outside of work, Mary cares deeply about the Dayton community and she volunteers heavily within it. She enjoys reading as well as spending time at our Metroparks. 

On a more serious note, she is an activist for the importance of women’s rights and views it as significant to continuously fight for equality.

Just as her father told her, Mary encourages students to “live it up” while in school. She says to “do everything you can, experience everything you can, and go from there.”

Mary is furthering her own education at Western Kentucky University and is working towards a master’s degree in organizational leadership with a minor in effective communication. As far as future plans, Mary would like to grow within Sinclair and generally hopes to continue in a community college setting.

When asked what she hopes to see in the future for higher education, Mary said that she hopes to see the attainment gap closing as well as an increase in innovation in the classroom. She said that there are many different modalities that a classroom can be delivered and that “with those different modalities comes equity because you give more choice [to the students].”

While she recognizes that it can be scary for an established institution to take risks, she hopes to see more risk-taking happen.

I decided to ask Mary the daunting question that we all dread, “how would you describe yourself?” 

It all boiled down to her being a hard worker who likes work, being organized and being on top of things, but outside of work enjoys complete relaxation. Whether that relaxation comes from a day of reading, cuddling with her cat or watching a movie with her significant other, calmness is what appeals to Mary.

Due to the Taylor Scholarship, I am required to meet with Mary just once a semester. After our first meeting, we both decided that it would be not only beneficial but necessary for me to meet with her on a more regular basis.

The care and support I have received from this intelligent and understanding woman for the past year has allowed  me to thrive here at Sinclair. I genuinely do not feel as though I would have made it this far in higher education without her. It is okay to ask for help and it does not make one weak or less than, and Mary has helped show me this.

Mary said it herself that “if you’re not here for the students, then why are you here?” No one has shown me a dedication to students in the way that Mary has and I will be forever grateful for all that she has done.

Hannah Shafer