• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

   Raw was live last night in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Last week, Becky Lynch was suspended by the McMahons. She has made her presence known since the announcement of her suspension. What will the McMahons have in store regarding Becky Lynch?

   Also, it was announced last week that Seth Rollins was injured and will be missing time. Does that affect his upcoming date with the Beast, Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania? With Elimination Chamber this Sunday, answers will possibly come.

   Raw kicks off with Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. They hype up the Elimination Chamber pay per view this Sunday. They also state that if Ronda Rousey successfully defends the Raw Women’s Championship against Ruby Riott, she will go on to defend her championship against Becky Lynch.

   However, they feel the plans have changed due to Becky’s actions last week. They state that Becky has gone to the doctors over the past week. Triple H begins by apologizing for his remarks to Becky last week on SmackDown. Triple H also states that Becky is 100 percent cleared to compete at WrestleMania. However, there is a catch. They will only give her the match if she apologizes.

   Becky has none of it. She will not apologize because she has fought for this opportunity and she will be damned if they take it away from her. So, Triple H & Stephanie give her an ultimatum: fight for her dream at WrestleMania or throw it away because of who she is.

Sasha Banks & Bayley v. Nia Jax & Tamina v. The Riott Squad: Loser becomes the first entrant in the Elimination Chamber

   This Sunday, history will be made as six teams will enter the Elimination Chamber to crown the first ever WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. This triple threat can have a huge effect on who becomes the favorites because the loser of this contest has to enter the Chamber first. That means that the team who enters first has to outlast every team that crosses their path.

   During the match, Sasha suffered an injury and had to be taken to the back. That left Bayley at a significant disadvantage. The numbers game ended up costing Bayley because Nia was able to hit the Samoan Drop on Bayley for the pin and win. That means that Bayley and Sasha have to begin the Elimination Chamber match this Sunday.

Elias Concert?

   There was supposed to be an Elias concert but time after time, Elias was interrupted by a backstage segment between Finn Balor and Becky Lynch. Then, a video package of Seth Rollins’ year on Raw. The video package showed how Seth made Raw Monday Night Rollins. Then, the Lucha House Party interrupted Elias before he could begin.

   Elias finally gets to sing his song. The song completely trashed the city of Grand Rapids. The city disapproves of the disrespect. Elias asks the Lucha House Party if they could do better. Kalisto takes the guitar and strums a nice melody. Elias asks if Kalisto wants to do a duet, but Elias ends up hitting Kalisto with a guitar from behind.

Finn Balor v. Drew McIntyre

   Finn has a chance at Championship gold this Sunday as he will go onto Elimination Chamber to face Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush in a handicap match for the Intercontinental Championship. However, Finn has a big task at hand dealing with not only Drew McIntyre but his opponents Sunday at ringside.

   Bobby and Lio get involved causing the disqualification. The three beat down Finn until Kurt Angle came down to help Finn. But, Baron Corbin leveled Kurt from behind. Then, the Monster, Braun Strowman cleared house and took out Bobby, Baron, Drew & Lio.

Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, & Kurt Angle v. Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley, & Baron Corbin

   The previous melee set up the following 6 man tag match. This match was a back and forth match between these 6 competitors. Finn looked to have the match in hand, when Lio Rush got involved. Which distracted Finn and led to Bobby Lashley picking up the win for his team. However, Finn’s foot was on the rope when the pinfall happened. Another referee came down to tell the original referee. The match was then restarted.

   The match continued its furious pace. This time, the result changed as Finn was able to hit the Coup de Gras on Bobby Lashley for the win. Finn is taking momentum towards Sunday, especially pinning the Intercontinental Champion.

Nikki Cross v. Ruby Riott

   This Sunday, Ruby Riott has a chance to dethrone Ronda Rousey and go to WrestleMania as the Raw Women’s Champion.

   Ruby Riott looked awfully impressive in this bout against Nikki Cross. She was able to capitalize on Nikki’s mistake to hit the Riott Kick for the win.

Seth Rollins Addresses His Future

   Seth Rollins has a date in less than 7 weeks with the Beast, Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship at WrestleMania.

   Seth came out to reflect his milestone 2018. He lasted 65 minutes in a grueling gauntlet match. He then won the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania. Then, defending that Championship across 6 Continents. Finally, capping it off winning the 2019 Men’s Royal Rumble match.

   He states that as long as he can stand, he has a chance to defeat Brock Lesnar and claim the Universal Championship at WrestleMania.   

   Paul Heyman then came out to try to surprise Seth Rollins with the Universal Champion Brock Lesnar. But of course, Brock was not there. He then gives Seth a warning for WrestleMania. He states that if Seth chases Lesnar and the Universal Championship, he would be an architect of his own demise.

   Seth then stood up not only for himself but for the entire industry. He stated that he would do anything, sell his soul, burn in hell, as long as Brock does not leave WrestleMania as the Universal Champion.

   Dean Ambrose then came out. Knowing their history, many thought he would attack Seth. However, he told Seth not as a friend but out of mutual respect, slay the beast.

Dean Ambrose v. EC3

   Last week, EC3 pulled an upset win over Dean Ambrose in his debut match. This week, Ambrose looks for revenge.

   In a decent match, Ambrose was able to get his revenge on EC3 by rolling him up for the win. Ambrose has picked up a much needed win.

Bobby Roode & Chad Gable v. The Revival: Raw Tag Team Championships

   Last week, The Revival won a fatal four way match to win an opportunity at the Raw Tag Team Championships. Can they finally reach the top of the mountain?

   Hands down, one of the best tag team matches on Raw in a really long time. Each team had glimpses of winning the match and no team giving in. It has been a long time since I have said that a tag team match was the match of the night.

   However, there had to be a winner. Gable looked to be closing on retaining the Championships for his team until The Revival was able to hit the Shatter Machine for the pin and win. This means that the winners and new Raw Tag Team Champions are Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder, The Revival.

   Finally, after years and years of overcoming injuries and poor booking, The Revival are finally the Raw Tag Team Champions. Congratulations to The Revival, arguably the best tag team in wrestling today is finally Tag Team Champions.

Becky’s Moment of Truth

   Throughout the night, fellow superstars including the Raw Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey talked to Becky about her decision later in the night. However, it is solely up to Becky to decide her own fate.

   Becky knows how much this moment means to her. So, knowing that her dream is on the line, Becky apologizes to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon.

   After Becky apologizes, she calls out the only person who stands in her way to championship gold, Ronda Rousey. However, Vince McMahon comes out and states Becky is suspended for 60 Days. He declines her apology and states that she will miss WrestleMania. He then announces her replacement for the match against Ronda Rousey, Charlotte Flair. What does this mean? What does Becky have to do to get her dream at WrestleMania?


   What an eventful episode of Raw. It took a long time to say it, but The Revival are the new Tag Team Champions. Then, Becky being unsuspended and then losing her shot at WrestleMania, making the WWE Universe emotionally invested in the story of Becky Lynch. What an episode of Raw.

David Jacobus
Staff Writer