• Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

   Hello there, my name is Samuel J. Claude, and I’m the new Associate Editor for the Clarion newspaper. You know I find it hard to believe that I’ve only been here for a year and a half and have learned so much about my craft along with life as a whole.

   I am currently majoring in Multimedia Journalism, and hope to graduate with my bachelor’s degree shortly after I graduate high school.

   But until then, it brings me great pleasure to enlighten and entertain you, the people of Sinclair, through my contributions of writing in the Clarion Newspaper.

   I first began to discover my gift of writing in 7th grade in a homeschool co-op called School on the Rock. There I attended several creative writing courses, where I learned the many complex forms of writing.

   Eventually, in my Sophomore year, my colleagues and I arrived at Sinclair under the College Credit Plus program. There I took English composition courses and not only increased my interest in writing, but learned how to potentially make a living doing what I love.

   Before long, I was offered a job as a reporter for the Clarion after sending in an article I wrote for English Composition 1201. Since then, I’ve been blessed to have creative freedom, which the Clarion proudly promotes, to write about whatever I wish.

   I’ve primarily written on films both old and current, however, I’ve also enjoyed covering topics such as wrestling, social commentary and even interviewing the president of Sinclair himself.

   However despite all the new responsibilities and privileges of an editor, deep down inside I still feel like that kid from Huber.

   When I’m not on campus, I enjoy a couple hobbies, such as collecting old school Nintendo games, a good old game of poker and a good old nap. However what really gives me the most joy in what I do in life are the people I share life with.

   Whether it be my immediate family, my best friends at my CSG church, or old companions from years past, I would not be where I am today without these people.

   With all of that in mind, I am thankful and proud to be serving as your associate editor. At the Clarion, I’ve got a great team to work with to bring you, the reader, nothing less than the most thought-provoking and amusing newspaper in all of Sinclair.

“Intelligence is not a privilege, it is a gift, to be used for the good of mankind.”

-Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man 2)

Samuel Claude
Associate Editor