• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

   Monday Night Raw was live last night in New Orleans, Louisiana. With Hell in a Cell only six days away, how will The Shield retaliate after getting laid out by the locker room last week? The battle lines have been drawn.

   Raw kicks off with Braun’s army led by Braun Strowman, Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler and every superstar who helped beat down The Shield. Braun states that the attack last week was only the beginning. This Sunday when it is just the two of them inside Hell in a Cell, Braun will destroy him and take over Roman’s yard.

   The Shield return to the ring with equalizers. They beat down each superstar that laid them out last week with ax handles. The Shield then stare down Braun, Drew and Dolph showing they will do anything to protect their yard.

   Backstage, The Shield and Acting General Manager Baron Corbin get into a scuffle with New Orleans law enforcement. Baron makes them vacate the premises because if not, Roman and Seth will both vacate their Championships.

Nikki Bella v. Ruby Riott

   Before the show, The Bella Twins’s locker room was vandalized by The Riott Squad which led to this matchup. The Bella Twins since making their return last week feel they deserve some respect being veterans. Respect is earned not given. In this decent match, Nikki picked up the victory.

Authors of Pain v. Local talent

   In week two with Drake Maverick’s leadership, AOP runs through two more victims and has their eyes focused on one mission. That mission being running through as many people in their way to the Raw Tag Team Championships.

Triple H Responds to The Undertaker

   Last week, The Undertaker made his shocking return to confront Shawn Michaels who had words regarding the upcoming last time ever match in Australia between Triple H and The Undertaker. Triple H vows that The Undertaker is no longer the man he built himself to be. He is now only a reputation. The Streak is over. The mystique is gone. Triple H promises to be the last chapter and declares he will put The Undertaker down.

Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler v. The B-Team: Raw Tag Team Championships

   The B-Team got their rematch at McIntyre and Ziggler for the Raw Tag Team Championship one week after losing them to McIntyre and Ziggler last week.

   The B-Team gave it every ounce they had but it was not enough. Ziggler and McIntyre retained the Tag Team Championships.

   After the match, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose come from out of nowhere and attack the Champions. Going back to Acting General Manager Baron Corbin’s word, The Shield had to vacate the arena or they will have to relinquish their titles. Did The Shield lose all their championships only six days before Hell in a Cell?

   Backstage, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are backstage with Corbin. Corbin nearly gets them arrested. However, Seth and Dean turn the tables as they brought a Sheriff from New Orleans to arrest Corbin for falsifying a police report. Before Corbin gets arrested, Corbin and Seth have a discussion behind closed doors. From Seth’s reaction, things are looking up for Seth and Dean.

Kevin Owens v. Tyler Breeze

   Before the match starts, Kevin Owens viciously destroys Tyler Breeze. Kevin then took to the mic and states that when he quit two weeks ago, Baron contacted him to come back. That is when Kevin Owens got his way to destroy everything and everyone with no repercussions. When he attacks people for no reason, he is just doing his job. He states he is tired of The Shield and he is tired of Raw, especially Bobby Lashley. Bobby Lashley intentionally injured his best friend Sami Zayn. He will continue to live up to the three words: anarchy, agony and destruction. All thanks to Bobby Lashley.

Bobby Roode & Chad Gable v. The Ascension

   In a rematch from last week, the new team of Gable and Roode look to continue to build their new bond and raise up the rankings of the Raw Tag Team division. Another impressive victory by the newly formed tag team. Can this continue to something… glorious?

Alexa Bliss & Mickie James v. Ronda Rousey & Natalya

   With less than 6 days from the rematch, Alexa and Ronda have to compete against each other in tag team action. The message has been sent loud and clear. The Tag Team match was competitive, but Ronda got the last word. Looking directly at Alexa, she put the armbar on Mickie James for the submission victory.

   After the match, Alexa sneaked an attack on Ronda kicking her in the ribs. Who leaves Hell in a Cell Raw Women’s Champion?

Elias Performs

   Elias, as usual, mocks the city, this time being The New Orleans Saints. Before Elias could begin his concert, out comes Hall of Famer Mick Foley. Mick is there to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Hell in a Cell match between himself and The Undertaker.

   Elias tries to belittle Foley by stating that match is old news. This is not the past, this is the future.

   Foley responds back to him that the present will have something to do with Mick. He announces that at Hell in a Cell he will be the special referee for the Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman Hell in a Cell match for the Universal Championship. He also announces that Elias will compete in a match on Raw.

Elias v. Finn Balor

   Finn Balor picked up the victory in a highly contested matchup. What will happen from this I am unsure where this will go but a win is a win.

Braun goes Big Dog Hunting

   With the reappearance of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins, Braun knows Roman Reigns is right there along with them. Throughout the night, Braun destroyed the backstage area looking for Roman Reigns.

   Braun finally goes to the ring to demand Roman come and face him like a man. Roman does not show up. Braun declares that there will be no one that will get in his way, not Roman, not The Shield and definitely not Mick Foley. Roman then answers and awaits the Monster at the top of the announce table. The two brawl all over the top of the stage. Leading to, Roman dropping Braun off the announce table with a Samoan Drop.


   This was not a bad go home show for Hell in a Cell. The stories are set and the matches have the potential to live up to the hype. The Raw side of Hell in a Cell could be destructive and chaotic. The biggest question is what role does Mick Foley play inside Hell in a Cell?

David Jacobus
Contributing Writer