• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

   The last year of the millennium pushed the new crop of wrestlers and gave moments to the wrestlers they never were given.

   At the end of last year and throughout this year, five superstars won their first WWF Championship. Mankind (Mick Foley), who had been competing all over the world and risking his body finally won the WWF Championship in one of the most important moments during the Monday Night War.

   WCW would on tendency during their broadcast announce the results of Monday Night Raw if Raw was taped prior to air. However, during this night, WCW announced that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF Championship.

   Approximately 600,000 people changed the channel from Nitro to Raw throwing a wrench that the swung the ratings war back in favor of the WWF. The WWF never lost the ratings war again.

   Once the WWF took advantage of the war, they knew they had to continue the pace and control Monday Nights. However, they knew that their top star, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin needed time off due to a previous neck injury from a match with Owen Hart in 1997.

The Rock in all his late 90s bliss.

   The WWF had to create a new star that could take the lead of the WWF. Which comes Triple H, The Rock and Mankind.

   The WWF needed to get Steve Austin off of television so the fans are not confused on where the top guy went. During this era of outlandish and edgy, they knew that Austin needs to be written off the most controversial way possible.

   Which led to the Survivor Series. Steve Austin was supposed to compete in the main event against Triple H and The Rock for the WWF Championship. Before the match, Austin and Triple H brawled towards the parking lot where Steve Austin would get run over by a car.

   This would be the ongoing storyline going into the next year of who ran down “Stone Cold?” So even when “Stone Cold” is not on television, he is one of the main stories.

   One of the main stories that happened during the time, involved yet again, Vince McMahon and his family.

Vince Champion   Vince Mcmahon began feuding with Triple H who had been tormenting the McMahon family. The ultimate way Triple H made it personal with McMahon was marrying Vince’s daughter Stephanie.

   Stephanie was engaged to another wrestler Test. During Stephanie’s bachelorette party, the bartender drugged one of Stephanie’s drinks. Leading to Triple H showing a video during Test and Stephanie’s wedding. Triple H had married Stephanie in a drive thru wedding in Las Vegas.

   Then, Stephanie had turned her back on her father to be by the side of Triple H. Swerves create an interesting dynamic in professional wrestling. However, moments like this creates confusion for the people who watch these episodes back.

   Going to the previous article, logic holes are prevalent watching these episodes. Drugging a woman and forcing her to get married. Also, why was there never arrest for committing a hit & run on Steve Austin?

   Going towards the end of the millennium, the atmosphere would begin changing. With WCW falling and WWF on the rise, talent is coming into the WWF to try to get their chance to become big stars.

Triple H & Steph

David Jacobus