• Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

   Long time no see, everyone! Welcome back to Erika’s Enthusiast Expo!

   As some of you may or may not know, I’m actually an avid fan of horror and also cheesy ghost hunting series like Ghost Adventures or even Buzzfeed Unsolved (my personal favorite). There’s something enjoyable about people trying to find evidence of spirits and psyching themselves out to the brink of hilarity.

   My latest addition to my growing collection of ghost hunting series is that of Achievement Haunter. While not a series yet and it only has a pilot out, the first episode kicks off with the perfect amount of comedy and vague suspense that combines that of horror and the members of Achievement Hunter perfectly.

   The pilot has seven members of the company travel to Yorktown Memorial Hospital in Texas, a bit south of Austin. The seven that go are Geoff Ramsey, Jack Pattillo, Michael Jones, Lindsay Jones, Ryan Haywood, Gavin Free, and Jeremy Dooley.

   From there, everyone (minus Geoff, who watches over everything with computers in the lobby) is split into three teams of two and venture off into different parts of the hospital. Shenanigans, per the usual with this gang, ensue to the highest degree.

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   Let’s delve more into the content itself now.

   For starters, the introduction to the history and what they’re all doing is fantastic. The campfire is atmospheric and fun, especially with Jack trying to make the infodumping as scary as possible before being shot down and just relaying the information normally.

   All the period clothing and scene setting that followed for the three main ghosts that roam the hospital was enjoyable, pulling the viewer into the mood before tearing it apart with the comedy they’re known for.

   Entering the building itself, the three teams are given different tasks: Jack and Ryan are to find a little ghost girl named Stacy’s favorite book and read it to her. Lindsay and Jeremy are tasked with finding Stacy’s ball and playing with her. Gavin and Michael are trying to draw out Dr. Leon, a doctor who botched medical procedures and caused a few deaths.

   Once each individual team finishes their task, only one section remains to investigate: the chapel, where nuns that hate tattoos and those less pious than them are said to lurk. As Geoff’s the only one that has remained to the sidelines, everyone else decides that making the most inked person walk the chapel is the best idea.

image (3)   Frankly? It is the best idea and the results leading to the fun finale are my fave moments in the episode.

   Overall, I truly wish for “Achievement Haunters” to continue past the pilot. Its been given much love from the fans thus far, so I would say my own sentiments have been reflected heavily by the viewers.

   Right now it’s only available for FIRST members on the official website, but I hope that it will be released on YouTube soon for those that cannot afford the current price or have already used their free month in the past.

Erika Brandenburg