• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

   If you have looked in the news lately, or even in the last 6 months, you have heard about bad things happening in the world. It may even seem like there is no kindness left out there, as if maybe people have boycotted being kind altogether.

   It can seem discouraging to be kind, especially when people shrug it off like you owed it to them. I can’t tell you how many people have told me that kindness is not always the right answer. Well let me tell you, they couldn’t be more wrong.

 iStock_Helping Elderly Woman with Groceries.jpg  When hurricane Harvey slammed into Texas, I watched millions rush to aid those affected; sending food, water, school supplies and more. The way kindness persevered was incredible. People went from rioting about politics and prejudices, to loving one another, putting aside political preference, race, and gender, to help one another in their time of need.

   When the weather kept wreaking havoc on the south, people kept on helping, sending more items to provide for what was lost. The kindness that people had shown was so inspiring.

   When California was engulfed in flames, and then struck by mudslides, thousands came to the rescue. Some leaving their comfortable homes to help by rebuilding, saving victims trapped in the mud, and by providing people with food, water and shelter. Many of those impacted had watched their homes be swallowed by mud and flame.

   But, there are other ways to help nearby. Donating your blood to the local blood bank could save someone’s life after a bad car accident. Volunteering at a local homeless shelter and preparing meals for families, could feed a child dinner. Donating money to a program like One Girl Can could help a girl get an education.

 Gay_Men_Donating_Blood  Kindness will always be the answer. Sometimes it is as small as helping someone put their groceries in their car on a cold day. People carry your kindness with them for a long time.

   I was driving down a really busy road one day, right as everyone was getting off work. I was having what felt like an awful day, I was on the verge of tears, and couldn’t get into the lane I needed to. No one would let me over until thankfully someone waved me over and smiled.

   That was months ago and would seem small to the average person, but it made a huge impact on my day. Something so little meant so very much.

   Not to mention, it just feels good to be kind. Knowing you changed someone’s day, week, or life, is one of the best feelings in the world.

   So do not let anyone convince you not to be kind. Kindness comes back to those who are kind. You can make an impact on others, if you’ll only take the time.

Kelsey Fitzpatrick