• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

   If you are a fan of Dungeon & Dragons, then you have probably heard of the mystical land of Tal’Dorei. The tales of Vox Machina and how they have slayed the mighty Beholder in the depths of the Underdark, located in an enslaved city of Illithids.

   How they freed Whitestone from the tyranny of the Briarwoods, and rescued the entire continent from the reign of the Chroma Conclave. In their last journey, they saved the entire world from the rule of the undead god, Vecna.

   The D&D group, Critical Role, has been playing this game for many years. However, they started streaming on Twitch every week since early 2015. They have been in an ongoing campaign that has lasted two years and they finally completed it in October of 2017.

Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 11.37.50 AM   The Dungeon Master is famous voice actor, Matthew Mercer. He is accompanied by several other voice actors like Laura Bailey, Liam O’Brian, Ashley Johnson, Travis Willingham, Sam Regal, Marisha Ray, and Taliesin Jaffe.

   Each person has their own character with an in-depth backstory, which resurfaces throughout the campaign. Laura Bailey plays Vex’ahlia, a half elf ranger. Vex’ahlia is the owner of a bear named Trinket. Her twin brother, Vax’ildan, the half elf rogue, is played by Liam O’Brian.

   The lovingly short and gnomish cleric, Pike Trickfoot, is played by Ashley Johnson. Travis Willingham plays the not so smart goliath barbarian, Grog Strongjaw. The roguishly handsome and narcissistic, gnomish bard, Scanlan Shorthalt, is played by Sam Regal.

   Throughout the series, they have had several guests on the show play their own characters as well. Felicia Day plays Lyra, the human wizard, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn plays Zahra Hydrus, the tiefling warlock and Wil Wheaton plays Thorbir Falbek, the dwarf fighter.

   Other guest stars include Chris Hardwick as Gern Blanston, the dragonborn wizard and Joe Manganiello as Arkhan, the dragonborn paladin.

Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 11.39.37 AM   Critical Role has been involved in charity work and has been extremely successful in raising money. On Oct. 16, 2015, they raised over $20,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network during the broadcast. The show was also nominated for a Streamy Award in 2016 for gaming.

   There is also a web series that was produced in 2015 about a “Winter’s Crest Festival.” This series takes place before the events in the main campaign, and was written and directed by Marisha Ray and Taliesin Jaffe.

   The new campaign is set to take place in the future of the same world, however, Vox Machina, is a legend of the past. The new campaign will revolve around brand new characters, which have yet to be revealed to the public. Matthew Mercer will still be the Dungeon Master and the same voice actors are returning for the new campaign.   

   The new season of “Critical Role” has started airing on Twitch.com on the Geek & Sundry channel. Their newest quest began on Jan. 11 and new episodes stream at 7:00 p.m. PST and 10:00 p.m. EST.

Paige Rogers