• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

   With the new year finally here, it seems like everyone is making resolutions to better their lives. There are dozens of articles online and books dedicated to helping the reader get a goal in mind of the changes they want to make.

   There are a few resolutions that I am making this year and I am determined to see them through. One thing that I am going to do is work on making a weekly schedule. I feel like if I write something down, that makes it official and I feel more obligated to complete it.

   Pinterest is an extremely helpful website for those wanting to make a schedule. There are countless options for people to get ideas or even print them off and use them.

   You can make a schedule for school, for the times of classes and due dates for homework. You can combine school and daily life, like doctors appointments, when to go grocery shopping, etc.

   Another resolution that I made this year was to focus on myself. This may seem like a selfish statement at first but hear me out. It is so easy for us to be influenced by things around us, like social media, peer pressure and even family. It is important to not let negative and toxic ideals change how we think about ourselves.

   One way that you can make sure to keep the negativity out is by meditating. Meditation can not only help with positive thoughts, it can help you fall asleep and just feel better. I know what you might say, 


“I don’t have time to meditate.” There are a lot of videos on YouTube that are there to help you meditate that can be as short or long as you want.

   You would be surprised at how good it feels to step away from social media and the internet. Instead of spending time on Instagram or looking at memes, try and find something that can occupy your time that can be just as enjoyable and actually rewarding.

   I am going to try and read more this year. I know as students we can become busy with school and work, but if you can, try and make time for extracurricular activities. Discover a new hobby, or try something new.

   One thing that I am going to change this year is to not procrastinate. Waiting until the last possible second to get anything done just causes unnecessary stress. One way to overcome this problem is by setting goals (which you can write down in your planner) and making sure to complete them.

   Most of us seek a reward for completing something. So, if you struggle with procrastination make a goal and give yourself a reward for completing it. It doesn’t have to be a spectacular reward, but something that you know you would enjoy.

   I am looking forward to the new year and excited for the chance to change myself for the better, and I hope you are too.

Paige Rogers