• Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

September saw the release of “Destiny 2,” the follow up to the much loved first-person shooter game, “Destiny.” Fans were eager to see what the story held for them after many teaser trailers touted the game as better than “Destiny.”

However, within the first week of release, the forums for the game were filled with complaints left and right. When you get down to it, “Destiny 2” is an excellent game, but fans were expecting the same level of gameplay that came from season 3 of “Destiny.”

Before we can really delve into the information regarding the new “Destiny” DLC trailer and release, let’s first take a look at how the game works. Like “Destiny,” “Destiny 2” is set to run in “seasons” or periods of time during which new content will be released and some old content will stop or be reset.

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The expansion’s namesake character, Osiris.

Much like the weekly resets change the modifiers of some aspects of the game or switch around the order of the rooms in the raid, the seasons will reset certain rewards and game modes. The second season of “Destiny 2” is set to begin roughly around the arrival of the new DLC for the game, “Curse of Osiris.”

Announced last week, “Curse of Osiris” may have been the push that fans needed to reinvest themselves in the world of “Destiny 2.” Fans had begged for the DLC to bring back lore from “Destiny 1,” and Bungie delivered.

The trailer, showing off Bungie’s high production values even in their promotional material, gives us the first look at Osiris in the flesh. A character surrounded by much mystery has finally made his way to the digital screen.


Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 7.46.20 PM“Curse of Osiris” introduces something new to the game – a new leveling system. Usually, the power or light level would increase with the new expansions, but this time, they’re bringing an experience cap upgrade.

While the base game had players stuck at level 20, “Curse of Osiris” will see the reach to 25. It’s been speculated that this level cap could lead to new abilities for the game’s subclasses. Note that this is highly speculation and has not been confirmed by Bungie.

So far, it’s known that “Curse of Osiris” will take place on Mercury, which opens up the possibility for new patrol zones as well as post DLC adventures.  Following the release of the trailer, many fans of the franchise hoped for the return of the beloved handcannon, Thorn.

The speculation that Thorn would be reappearing in “Destiny 2” came from a shot in the trailer of a Hunter jumping across the planet holding a weapon that resembled Thorn. However, GameRant.com noted that upon closer inspection, the gun seems to be something other than Thorn.

While the silhouette resembled Thorn from a distance, when you get closer to it, it has a bayonet on it, unlike Thorn. Once again, this is speculation and until Bungie confirms or denies, or the DLC is released itself, we won’t know if the gun will be included or not.

Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 1.32.09 PMIn terms of the trailer, let’s do a breakdown of the content. Forbes.com states that it was narrated by a “rather flat” Ikora Rey, the Warlock Vanguard. She tells us that while our character was off fighting the Cabal and the Red Legion, an alien species called the “Vex” has opened a gate on Mercury. The trailer is fast-paced and exciting, showing off a new and exciting storyline.

When the trailer released, fans had a lot to say about “Curse of Osiris,” both good and bad. Many users on the “Destiny” subreddit had opinions.

John, who goes by Wishful_Cynic, said “Trailers and promises are nice, but players want content and changes. We want a lot more stuff to grind for. We want to pick our Crucible game mode. This DLC is going to set the tone for ‘Destiny 2.’”

“As much as some players are complaining about ‘vanilla’ D2, they will still be around for this first DLC,” Wishful_Cynic said. “Will the player base [sic] remain, and even grow, beyond that? We’ll see what Bungie has to offer in terms of content and improvements to the game.”

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Another user, Shane aka TheSKTrojan responded with “The trailer for ‘Curse of Osiris’ looks stunning. Osiris is a character that has been mentioned in ‘Destiny’ lore for years now and has always been so intriguing. I am looking forward to meet the man behind all of the legends. The main concern with the new expansion will be end game content. Currently the endgame is not where it needs to be and with Bungie [sic] only saying that there will be new raid content involved leaves me skeptical to if they will actually fix any of the main issues of ‘Destiny 2’ so far.”

AJ, or perma_trashed, said “Trailer looked interesting story-wise, but it can’t be more of the same. Changes need to be added to make players feel powerful and unique again.”

Dave, who goes by the gamertag writingwrong said “‘The Curse of Osiris’ trailer didn’t do too much for me. New content is fine and all, but mostly I’d like content that doesn’t require me to go out of game to participate in-game. An update that boasted matchmaking for Nightfalls, in-game clan communications (text/voice) and LFG and statuses guided games that are worth using, and such is what I would hope to see.”

“What I got was a veiled reference to more gated content,” writingwrong said. “While I’m sure there will be a few hours of single player story, the trailer is pretty much just hype to get people to purchase. I’ve already purchased the first couple expansions. I’m still waiting for the game to deliver on the pre-release promise to make it easier for me as a solo player to join in all the content available than it was in ‘Destiny 1.’”

Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 1.30.24 PMBungie will be conducting three live streams over the course of the month to announce more information surrounding “Curse of Osiris” and the content included.

Stream one will be today, Nov. 15 at 11 a.m. Pacific Time. This stream will introduce characters and locations.

Stream two will take place on Nov. 21 at 11 a.m. Pacific Time. This stream will be a preview of some of the activities awaiting players in the new DLC.

The final stream will occur on Nov. 29 at 11 a.m. Pacific Time. This stream will showcase the new inventory items and show them off in the Crucible player versus player matches.

“Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris” will be released on Dec. 5, 2017 for Xbox One, PC and PS4.

Jeri Hensley
Graphic Designer

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