• Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Since the Fall of 2015 the Student and Community Engagement department have been holding a series of events called “Exercise Your Right to Vote”.

The department coordinates with the Physical Education department to host the event. The goal of the event is to combine informing potential voters about the issues while they participate in wellness activities.

The events inform students about voter registration and the process as well as voting history. The information provided is usually quick and is followed by the wellness activity for that day.  

AJ Owen is a student affairs specialist who works as a co-lead for the event with Kates Brommeland. He said the event is sort of a play on words.

“You learn about your right to exercise your vote while also exercising your body,” Owen said. “Exercise your mind, body and spirit.”

“Exercise Your Right to Vote” informs students about voting and showcases what the physical education department has to offer with activities such as open gym or pool time.

Owen said the department is there to give out the information and then direct interested students to the right people to answer further question or get registered.

A big focus for the event is to not only get students informed about voting but also the importance of them actually exercising their right to.

“Voting is the one way you can share your opinion, if you don’t vote your voice isn’t being heard,” Owen said.

The event series will have in total 3 September dates and 2 October dates wrapping up the series for this year on Nov. 7.

Oct. 25 and 26 are early voting/absentee ballot event days with wellness events such as open swim time and open weight room to accompany it.

The early voting event on Sept. 25 will be held in the Tartan Marketplace and followed by an open weight room aquatic exercises and a bootcamp in the basement of Building 8.

The Sept. and Oct. dates are all leading up to Get Out and Vote! On Tuesday November 7, which Owen said is “The big day.”

“Get Out and Vote” will be held in the Tartan Marketplace from 10-12 p.m. as well as a picnic in the Building 8 basement from 11:30-1 p.m. During this time the whole physical education department will be an open house for students.

Owen said it is an opportunity to showcase the physical education departments full facilities and get students interested.

Through this combination of the student and community engagement department and the physical education department they hope to create a well informed and healthy campus.

Cerridwyn Kuykendall