• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

How to ride the struggle bus

Sometimes life is hard. I mean, I was at work a couple of weekends ago and cut one finger on each hand… In the same way, but on different structures.

Everyone struggles. Some of us more than others.

I’m not sure why you would want to ride the struggle bus, but here’s the best way to do so.

You want to procrastinate on everything. If you can put it off until the last minute I would say to do that.

If you need some help on learning how to procrastinate effectively, check out the “How to procrastinate” piece in Volume 40, Edition 4 of The Clarion.

The best way to start your day off on the struggle bus is to skip or miss all the alarms you set. You’re going to be running late for everything, but hey, you wanted this.

Since you’re already going to be late, you could take some extra time to get a good shower in, but you won’t do that.

Instead you should struggle through a quick rinse and get all the important parts clean. You also won’t be able to wash your hair. So, it’s going to be a hat or messy bun day.

Ladies, if you’re riding the struggle bus, there is no time for a full face of makeup either. People are going to ask if you’re sick or having a bad day. Roll your eyes and ignore them.

Also, laundry is a struggle all on it’s on, and since this particular day is a struggle bus day, you won’t have any clean clothes.

Never fret! You could always just grab whatever smells the least funky and spray it down with perfume or cologne. No one will notice… Hopefully.

Your other option is to basically pretend like you’re getting dressed in the dark. Just grab whatever remotely looks like it goes together into one outfit and rock it.

With spring break coming up, there are other ways to get on the struggle bus, too.

Midterms are here! Seriously, that in itself is a struggle.

I’m lucky enough to not have any midterms this semester, but if you do then struggle through them for me.

Everyone just remember to keep strong after spring break. We ALL want to give up and stop trying, and that’s actually the best way to get on the struggle bus for the last half of the semester.

Don’t forget to take on as many projects and groups as you can. You’ll get overwhelmed at some point though, and that’s okay.

You can just hop on the struggle bus and give up on all of them instead of managing your time to accomplish tasks in small increments.

If you’re like me and graduating this semester, you’re probably on the struggle bus because you’re freaking out about the “real world” we’re about to enter.

Some of you might be stressing about the colleges you’re transferring to and all the work you’ll be getting there.

It’s okay. We’re all going to be on the struggle bus together at some point because it’s 2017 and a college diploma doesn’t get us much besides a lifetime’s worth of student loans.

Brittany Fletcher
Creative Director