• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Tartan Spotlight: Austin Quigley


Austin Quigley, 24 year old English major at Sinclair. Some might know him better as simply “Quigs.”

Why he’s interesting…

In Quigley’s dream life, he would be driving a 1963 Lincoln Continental with suicide doors. While he was originally born in the Cincinnati area, Quigley’s family quickly moved to Wilmington, Ohio where his favorite childhood memory occurred. His family won Grand Champion at the pig contest in the Ohio State Fair. Coincidentally, they were unable to win the county fair. “That’s politics for you,” he said.

As a professional, Austin aspires to be either a music journalist, or a lawyer. He wants to travel around Europe, specifically Madrid and try new things.

“When I hang out with my friends, my favorite thing to do is get them out of their element,” Quigley said.

He’s always looking to mix it up and try new things. For example, for his one-year anniversary with his girlfriend, he took her to a gun range, despite never having fired a gun before.

He’s sort of a romantic, when asked what he would do if he had one day left on Earth, he said he would spend it on the beach with his girlfriend, Jessica. “Quigs” has an artistic side as well, he’s an avid  music lover and  claims to be a 60’s man at heart. Quigley said he would love to be able to attend Woodstock and see his favorite band The Doors if it were possible.

If he could have a dinner party with anyone he wanted in the world, dead or alive, his choices would be novelist David Foster Wallace, Tupac, Donald Glover (also known as Childish Gambino), Migos, Allen Iverson, Kanye West and Gandhi.

In the same vein as one of his idols, Gandhi, “Quigs” said he would love to have a superpower that would let him understand anyone and everyone..

“I like helping other people,” Quigley said.

Quigley describes his mentality as a peaceful one. If he could be any animal, it would be an Elephant, because they never forget, run in a tribe and are peaceful.

“Quigs” may not be a fan of heights, as his most frequent recurring dream is one where he falls off of a cliff. Quigley described his dream:  he falls off into an ocean and when he goes in he’s “surrounded” by whales. Eventually he falls deep enough that his ears pop and he wakes up.

Heights, however, are not his biggest fear. Quigley claims a deep fear of needles. When he was young, his appendix burst and they had to give him an IV. However, they couldn’t find a vein and he was subsequently stuck repeatedly with needles throughout his body in an attempt to find one. He has since had the fear.

Quigley won’t be at Sinclair much longer, he plans to graduate during the summer and continue his path toward bigger and better things. He isn’t positive where his life is headed, but we wish him success. 

Matt Harlan