• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

In Life and Liberty: Ending the year

I know that a lot of sobering things have happened recently. For example, the Ohio State University stabbing rattled many of us as it took place so close to home. We can’t help but hurt for the nine people that were injured and the first responders on the scene. I think it’s sad and pointless that this turns political and becomes a stomping ground for politicians and some of the media people out there.

I also know that for some of you, Thanksgiving was rough. Not only did we likely gain a few pounds, some of you were stuck with those family members. If politics came up in your Thanksgiving conversation, I am so sorry. It’s not really the year for that. It’s never the year for that.

For all students and professors, this is the big week of finals too. If you’re anything like me, Thanksgiving removed whatever motivation I had left.

This is our last edition of year, so I wanted to recap this past couple of weeks of politics just so you can catch up when you finally have time to do anything. Or you can read the word politics and skip out of this article. That’s fine too.

Donald Trump, the president-elect that no, we can’t impeach right now, is saying on Twitter that he would have won the popular vote if it hadn’t been for the millions of people who voted illegally.  Apparently everyone who voted against him is considered illegal.

He is also tweeted this, “General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, who is being considered for Secretary of Defense, was very impressive yesterday. A true General’s General!” I’m not sure why we would want someone with the nickname “Mad Dog” to be our Secretary of Defense, but I guess there isn’t much I can do about that.

He also tweeted that he was disappointed he couldn’t take the Trump University lawsuit to trial because he’ll be the president.

I thought they had taken Twitter away from him, but he must be pretty sneaky because he is back at it again.

I’m actually quite saddened because it’s always been important to respect the presidency even when there are things we don’t agree with. Unfortunately, Trump is not making it easy to respect him.

There is also a giant recount the vote movement going on, with backing from the Clinton campaign and Jill Stein, the former candidate for President of the Green Party. Because, you know, she came so close to winning the election. I don’t know about Clinton. Last I heard she was with Katy Perry. She is quite possibly still in denial that she didn’t win the electoral vote.

Trump has pushed back on this majorly, which I can’t really blame him. It’s not likely anything will turn up from the recount except confirm that Trump is indeed our president. However Trump could act a little more dignified about it. Wait, never mind, that’s not possible.

Either way, this is bound to be an interesting year set before us. I hope everyone survives the rest of the holidays safely with little to no political arguments with any family members and enjoy pretending like you’re actually going to go through with those new year resolutions.

Meanwhile, take this season to think before you speak on Facebook, be watchful for fake news, be kind to others, even when they don’t share your political views and get excited for when the Clarion returns next semester!

Laina Yost
Managing Editor