Tis the season of giving at Sinclair Community College. Sinclair will be participating in Giving Tuesday, a national holiday that was a response to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
According to Sharon Smith, the Annual Giving and Scholarships Officer at the Sinclair Foundation, #GivingTuesday gets Sinclair students involved with the Sinclair Foundation’s giving program.
“#GivingTuesday gives the Sinclair Foundation an ideal way to attract student participation in our annual giving program and to connect students with an opportunity to help future generations of Sinclair students,” Smith said.
Students may have recently been seeing Sinclair’s social media filled with their “Unselfie” contest, which is leading up to their #GivingTuesday campaign. The winner of the “Unselfie” contest will win a $50 gift card.
According to Smith, #GivingTuesday is helping students by showing them how to give back to other people around them.

“By teaching lessons in gratitude and generosity early on in their adult lives, we can set them up for a lifetime of giving back to those in need, to their local communities and to cherished causes. It’s important for all of us to realize that no matter how tough we think our life is there’s always someone who has it tougher,” she said.
The “Unselfie” contest is not the only way that a student can give back. Students can also participate by giving to the Student Annual Fund Campaign. Student committee members will also be collecting cash donations on November 29 during bucket brigades at high traffic areas on campus and at collection boxes stationed at the Tartan Marketplace, Main Street Café, Snack Shoppe and Starbucks.
“Our biggest reward in giving back is realizing that we’ve made a significant change in someone’s life and if not “significant” then a positive change at the very least. Giving back makes us better citizens and better citizens makes better communities,” Smith said.
According to Smith, this holiday season is the perfect time for students to give back and benefit their communities.
“What better time to introduce philanthropy to our students than during the Thanksgiving and holiday seasons? We hope they’ll enjoy it so much that they will continue to give when they’re alumni, in ways that will not only benefit Sinclair but the communities in which they live as well,” she said.
The student committee also needs more volunteers and members to help with collections of change on November 29. If any students are interested in participating, they can contact William McChesney, #GivingTuesday Committee Chairperson through his my.sinclair email.
“The Committee’s primary role is to promote the spirit of philanthropy across campus by leading this very important fundraising and volunteer initiative within the student body,” Smith said.
According to Smith, giving not only makes an impact on the person who receives, but also on the person who is giving.

“The best kept secret in town is that true philanthropy feels really, really good. Generously giving of one’s self and one’s resources to impact someone else is one of the best feelings in the world. And once you feel it, you’re hooked,” she said.
All donations to the Student Annual Fund Campaign will go to the Class Gift Scholarship, which is by the student, for the students who are in their last two terms of completing their degree. According to Smith, the fund needs an additional $988 for it to become fully endowed. Once it is fully funded scholarships will be awarded the following academic year.
According to Smith, students can give to this campaign or they can do something as simple as showing an act of kindness.
“Not only can students make a charitable gift but they can also volunteer, help a neighbor or a friend, or simply spread kindness. Students can give time, money, their voice – give what they can to make a difference!” she said.
The Office of Student and Community Engagement will be hosting six days of giving that will lead up to the official #GivingTuesday.
#GivingTuesday will launch on November 29 and all students are encouraged to participate.
Laina Yost
Managing Editor