The Student and Community Engagement offices are hosting a Guitar Hero tournament for all students who are fans of the game and want to connect with their fellow classmates.
The tournament was created by Kates Brommeland, the Coordinator of Student Engagement at Sinclair, and is the first event of its kind.
“We wanted to something different and fun, something we’ve never done before,” Brommeland said. “I asked quite a few students about it and gauged interest, and they thought it was a good idea.”
The series of rhythm music games began in 2005 and became a huge cultural phenomenon before being discontinued in 2011. The series was revamped last year with the release of Guitar Hero Live.
The game scores players based on the number of notes hit and how long players go without missing a note, and that overall score determines who wins the match.
The game lets players play through many classic rock hits by groups from the 60s to the present day.
“It was one of my favorite games when it first came out, and I think a lot of students are going to have a good time coming back to it,” Brommeland said.
There will be prizes for the winner including a guitar shaped trophy made by students from the guitar lab.
The tournament will be held in the game room in Building 8, where there will be refreshments provided including popcorn and candy.

The Student and Community Engagement offices are very excited for the event, and are looking for a great turnout of students.
“I think this is a really important event because it gives students another chance to connect with each other,” Brommeland said.
It is open to all Sinclair students and they are encouraged to see the other opportunities and facilities Building 8 has to offer.
“We had a really great turnout for Harvest Fest, but we want to involve more students for this event,” Brommeland said. “We’re still kind of hidden in Building 8 and want to get more people involved with what we offer.”
Building 8 offers many different services and opportunities for students including most student engagement events and Sinclair Talks. It is also the building to visit if you are looking to join a club or organization.
It also has career building resources including resume and cover letter assistance, as well as job searching and interview help. It is also where employers post job openings and look for qualified Sinclair students and alumni to hire.
You can register right now to participate in the tournament, and it will be held on Wednesday, November 16 from 11:00p.m. to 1:00p.m. in the game room at the basement of Building 8.
Henry Wolski