• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

If you are still undecided on this election, there are three independent candidates running on the ballot this year that you should know about. In just a few days, those who have not early voted will cast their ballots.

The first is Gary Johnson, a former two-term governor of New Mexico, who was elected running as a Republican in a Democratic state. He was the Libertarian Party’s candidate for the presidency in 2012.

Bill Weld, his running mate, is a two-term former governor of Massachusetts and is another example of a Republican candidate winning in a Democratic state.

Johnson is representing the Libertarian Party, who credit themselves as fiscally conservative and liberal on many social issues. They are very anti-government spending and intervention in their ideals. They are the third largest party in the nation.

The next candidate is Jill Stein, who was a doctor before she became a politician and served two terms as a member of the Lexington Town Hall Meeting in Massachusetts, after two failed attempts to become the state’s governor. She also ran for president in 2012, getting the most votes out of any female candidate in history.

Her running mate is Ajamu Baraka, a man who has been part of many different human rights agencies and has been doing it for 40 years. This includes being the Founding Executive Director of the US Human Rights Network.

Stein represents the Green Party, which is a group focused heavily on environmentalism, social justice and nonviolence.

Lastly, there is Independent Conservative candidate Evan McMullin, who spent nine years in the CIA, performing counterterrorism and intelligence operations in the Middle East. He then became the Chief Policy Director of the House Republican Conference.

His running mate is Mindy Finn, who started as a communications aide for conservative politicians, including Mitt Romney and George W. Bush.

McMullin is running as a Republican, and describes himself as an alternative for conservatives who don’t believe in the policies of Trump.

On The Issues


In response to the U.S.’s $19 trillion debt, Johnson’s plan to decrease it is to make cuts to government spending across the board. He has stated that no program is safe, from military spending to welfare. In addition, he believes the market should determine the minimum wage, not the government.

He plans to completely reform our tax code, getting rid of special interest tax loopholes, while replacing all income and payroll taxes with a single consumption tax that determines your tax burden by how much you spend, not how much you earn.

Stein has said that she will raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour as well as  raise income taxes on big businesses and the wealthy. Stein has said that she will replace corporate trade agreements with fair trade. Also, Stein has said that she would create more stimulus packages for establishments that need it. She also supports forgiving student debt.


McMullin’s plan includes simplifying the tax code to lighten the burden on small businesses. He would also make cuts to entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid so that the national debt can decrease. He also opposes raising the minimum wage. According to McMullian, a wage increase to $15 would force employers to cut jobs, which he says only hurts the poor who depend on such jobs.

Foreign Policy and Immigration

Johnson’s foreign policy is to make our defenses more efficient in the U.S. and he does not want the U.S. involved with affairs of other countries.

His goal for immigration is to make the U.S. more accessible to immigrants, while taking measures for our safety. Johnson has said he would work to make a more efficient system of providing work visas, conducting background checks and creating more incentives for immigrants to pay their taxes and come in legally.

Stein’s foreign policy involves cutting military spending in half, ending drone strikes and taking troops out of the Middle East.

On immigration, she believes all immigrants who have no criminal records should have the chance to be granted entry into the U.S., as the jobs they do make up a sizable portion of the economy.

McMullin’s stance is one that incorporates America taking a stand for democracy abroad, including speaking out against dictatorships. McMullin has said he plans on standing with Israel and destroying al-Qaeda.

McMullin also said he plans on taking measures to secure the border, like employing more Border-Patrol agents, installing more security cameras and in areas necessary, putting walls up. He wants to make illegal immigrants register for citizenship and he wants to deport criminals.

Social Issues

Johnson believes that the choice to have an abortion is one that families and women must make themselves, without any government intervention.

Gage Skidmore| | Flickr
Gage Skidmore| | Flickr

Johnson has said he is an advocate for LGBT citizens and believes the definition of marriage is a right for citizens to decide, not the government.

He also wishes to end the War on Drugs, taking cannabis off of the Controlled Substance Act, allowing the legalization of marijuana to be decided by individual states. He believes that rehabilitation programs are a better way to stop drug abuse than arrests and incarceration.

Johnson  is also in favor of the Second Amendment and believes it is a right for all citizens to have access to firearms if they see it fit.

Stein shares quite a few of Johnson’s views on social issues, as she is pro-choice, for legalization of marijuana, an advocate of LGBT rights and believes in treatment programs over incarceration for drug abusers.

However, Stein heavily supports regulation on gun owners, advocating for more background checks and psychological testing, as well as an assault weapons ban.

McMullin is pro-life and believes that it undermines the dignity of the mother and child. He also opposes the legalization of marijuana, and hasn’t made a hard stance on gay marriage. He is pro Second Amendment and does not favor gun control.

For non-partisan voters, or voters feeling on inclination towards the major Party candidates, there are other options to consider.

Henry Wolski