• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025
Contributed by SCC Marketing
Contributed by SCC Marketing

Aja Howard, a freshman Mid Blocker from Northmont High School is having quite the season for the Pride with twenty-seven points through fifteen games so far this season. 

Howard has been playing volleyball for seven years. She started when she was in seventh grade and hasn’t looked back. She credits her Spanish teacher with pushing her to go beyond limitations she had set for herself.

“She pushed me to see past my limit and see my own potential and gave me a push to strive for that potential,” Howard said.

Howard also draws inspiration from her family who have, according to Howard, been a big support with her athletics.                  

“They play a very big role. They come to most games, help me put God and Student before athlete,” she said.

Howard chose Sinclair because of Coach Gan or KC, as the players call him. She says that he seems to genuinely care about his athletes and made her feel like she was in the right place.                          

“Sinclair is the place for me,” Howard said.                                                                                                             

At Sinclair she studies in the Modern Language program, hoping to get a major in Spanish. She is doing this because of the influence of her Spanish teacher from Northmont High.                                         

Howard loves playing for KC and, according to Howard, he pushes her to be a better player than she thought she could be.      

“He pushes me to be better than I think I can be and I appreciate that; he has given me a new perspective on volleyball,” she said.

As of right now Howard and the Pride are 10-5 and looking forward to their matches in the future. For the future however Howard plans to transfer to Bowling Green State University to major in Spanish and minor in International Studies. Her ambitious goals are to play for Olympic gold.                                           

“I can’t imagine not playing volleyball,” she said.                                                                                     

According to Howard, with her hard work and dedication, she knows that she can accomplish even her biggest dreams.

“Like I said, I can’t imagine not playing volleyball. I know that in playing my role and training hard I can make my dreams a reality,” she said.                                                                                                                                      

Her skills are being sharpened by KC and his staff. Their system is one that you have learn and adapt to if you want success.

“If you don’t know the system, you can’t play well in the system,” Howard said.

Howard currently has 12 digs, 15 kills, seven block solos and 18 block assists.                                                                                          

The Pride is looking to finish the season strong and Howard is looking to improve as a volleyball player as she finishes out her freshman season.

Justus Hayes