• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

It’s that time of year again, y’all!

It’s fall, and the leaves are changing colors. Okay, the leaves aren’t changing colors yet, and it’s barely official. Let’s get real though. If the month is after August and ends in
–ember: it’s FALL!

Since it is officially the best time of the year, this week you’ll be learning how to get basic with your life.

The most important thing to know about being basic is that you need to become obsessed with all of the things that are about to be mentioned. Like, you just have to.

The first thing you have to start implementing into your life is the word “like.” Use it in every sentence after, like, almost every word. I’ll demonstrate.

“Like, I am obsessed with, like, all the leaves changing, like, colors. It’s, like, beautiful!”

Easy enough, right?

The next thing to being basic is adding pumpkin spice lattes, or simply ‘PSLs,’ to every meal. You need one at breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may even want one in between some of the meals.

I am legitimately obsessed with PSLs. It’s becoming a problem. Thankfully there is a Starbucks in our library.

Having an iPhone is fairly essential to being basic, too. The newer the iPhone the more basic you’ll become. With the release of the iPhone 7 and iOS 10 update, you may want to hop on the train now if you want to get to Basictown.

Dressing the part is also pretty key to being basic. This isn’t an overly complicated concept either. It pretty much consists of four key items.

For your bottom half get some leggings. Black is the most common color, but you’re welcome to (pumpkin) spice things up with grey or brown leggings.

On your feet there better be the most basic of basic shoes – Uggs. Again, black is the preferred color, but do you.

The top half of your body is also fairly simple to dress. The basic shirt of choice is just an oversized sweater. The more it hangs off your shoulders and hands the better. Your armies don’t need to fit in their sleevies. (It is actually really comfortable in case you haven’t tried it out before.)

To fix your hair in the mornings just throw it up in a messy bun, and by messy I actually mean fix it with a brush and hairspray but make it look messy.

This is probably the most complicated concept out of the whole dressing basic process.

There are a couple of activities you can do to up your basic factor. If you like being outdoors, go camping and/or hiking. It will keep you fit for all those leggings you’ll be wearing.

If you’re like me and not a fan of the outdoors, you can build a bonfire and have all your basic friends over for s’mores. I love a hot, melty, gooey s’more. Mmm. Don’t forget to have someone bring the PSLs!

Also, if you have a significant other the only thing y’all should ever want to do together is snuggle.

Don’t go out to eat together. Don’t go see any new movies. Don’t even get out of bed or off the couch. Apparently it is too darn cold for y’all to do anything besides snuggle each other.

The last thing you’re going to want to incorporate into your new basic lifestyle is a love of Halloween. This is the ultimate basic holiday. Let your inner fall-obsessed, basic self out into the world.

Go buy all the fall decorations. Go get all the pumpkin spice candy and foods. Go to the pumpkin patch and get as many pumpkins as you can fit in your car.

You can actually use all those unnecessary pumpkins for your bonfire so you can carve basic pumpkins.

When it comes to being basic, it isn’t all that hard. Just become obsessed with all the essentials – PSLs, basic clothing and Halloween. Everything else will fall into place. Now get out there and be basic.

Brittany Fletcher