• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025


Dear Gabby,

It’s summer, well almost summer and all I want to do is party or hang out with friends. I feel like I have spent so much time during the school year working hard and now I just want to relax and enjoy time off, but I am also worried I am getting in a habit of being lazy. I am 22 years old so I feel like I have all these goals I want to accomplish, but I am also young and want to enjoy my friends and hanging out. Do you think I am making the right decision by spending the summer relaxing or should I still be working on certain things?


Summertime chillaxing


Dear Summertime chillaxing,

I understand where you are coming from and why it can be challenging because the sun is out and we now have more time to hang out with friends, but I look at the summer as being an opportunity for me to start new projects and spend more time on completing goals.

Time is precious, so I would use the summer to really hone in on what you want to accomplish and what tasks need to be completed. I think a lot of people in their 20s think that they have all the time in the world and that they shouldn’t be stressing about work or goals because they are young and should enjoy themselves.

Yes, I think we should enjoy ourselves, however, I look at it like we are only young once so we should maximize our time and talents and get to work. You’ll have time to hang out with friends and enjoy your down time, but wouldn’t you rather get one step closer to your dream rather than wait.

Don’t get me wrong, resting is an important part and managing your stress is something everyone needs to learn, but hanging out more than a few times a month can cause you to get behind and you might even lose your focus and motivation. Have you heard that saying, “I fell off the wagon?” It’s difficult to jump back on once you’re off, but if you stay on and work hard you’ll get to where you need to be faster or at least stay focused and dedicated to your process and journey.

Don’t let your friends or the summer sun pull you away from working hard. You’re young, but time will escape you faster than you realize and by that time you’ll want to be on the track headed toward your dream, not sitting on the side watching life pass you by. Stay focused on you and your journey, put those blinders on and run your race. It’s not about how fast you get there, but its about how passionate and dedicated you are to your goals.

Good luck,
