• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Nu Pi relays for life

PTK 1More than four million people from over 20 countries participate each year in Relay for Life. Relay for Life is a global campaign to raise money for cancer research. Every year Sinclair’s Nu Pi Phi Theta Kappa works with Relay for Life to raise money for the American Cancer Society. The honor society will continue this tradition on June 11.

“Relay For Life rallies communities to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost and raise funds to eliminate cancer. [The event] lasts overnight as team members take turns walking around a track. Relay inspires, entertains, and touches the hearts of all who participate,” Team Captain Sergio Ramirez said.

Sinclair’s chapter participation is different for every team member, but everyone is looking towards the same goal.

“We all have a different reason to relay. Many are showing support for loved ones in the fight, some are remembering and honoring those who have fought, while others are battling cancer and undergoing treatment. We may have different reasons to relay, but we are all united in our support of those affected and the commitment to stop this family of diseases,” Relay Team Captain Tyler McDonough said.

For Team Leader and Chapter President, Melissa Smith, there is a deep and personal connection to the cause. Smith has lost her mother and grandmother to cancer. Since these tragedies, she has donated time and effort to the fight to find a cure. Smith began volunteering for the organization in 2005.

This year, Phi Theta Kappa has already raised $1,100 and is still going. To help raise money, the group is selling luminaries for $10 a piece. The luminaries will be lit to honor those fighting cancer and those who have lost their lives to cancer.

The theme for this year’s relay is super heroes. If you would like to join a team, donate or buy a luminaire visit relayforlife.org and search “Nu Pi” to find Sinclair’s Phi Theta Kappa team.

All members of the team encourage support from the Sinclair community. The event is June 11 from noon to midnight at the Community Park in Riverside.

“It will be an uplifting experience full of support, remembrance and a host of fun activities,” McDonough said.

Celia Lavoie