• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Dayton and the Donald

trump rally

This past Saturday hosted the GOP front-runner Donald Trump in Dayton, Ohio at the Dayton International Airport rallying for his win of front-runner for the general election. Trump was supposed to be at the rally starting at 10:00 a.m., but the candidate did not arrive until around 11:00 a.m. making him fashionably late and setting his schedule behind as he was supposed to be in Cleveland at 11:00 p.m.

When Trump’s plane arrived the music changed and the crowd roared. Shortly after the arrival, Nick Mangold (football player for the New York Jets) opened the rally for Donald.

During Donald’s speech, he went over everything he plans on doing; such as, taking down terrorist group ISIS, getting jobs back for our people, “not letting” Democrat Hillary Clinton win the election, making common core a thing in the past, building our military back up, getting a strong hold on our immigration issue, and of course, building his wall.

The Republican was also very candid on what happened in Chicago the night before, which caused his rally to be cancelled due to protesters getting out of hand.

Not every minute was free sailing at the rally, three people were kicked out for protesting. One was chanting slurs about President Obama, while the second had a Trump sign with swastikas on it. However, the most highlighted was the man that rushed the stage. Thomas Dimassimo, 22, ambushed Mr. Trump while he was talking at the podium. However, Dimassimo did not make his way to Trump.

Secret Service was fast to take him down. He was arrested for inducing panic and disorderly conduct. Moments before, he stormed the stage a man in the crowd yelled, “Look out!” after the uproar was over, Trump stated, “Thank you for the warning. I was ready for ‘em, but it’s much better if the cops do it, don’t we agree?” The crowd roared with agreement.

This has not been the first time Dimassimo has protested to the point of getting a few seconds of fame. Back in April of last year, he protested at Wright State, by walking all over the U.S. flag because of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The line to get in to see the Republican front-runner was also a huge news story as people drove from all over to see him—some even waited 10 hours just to get in the door. People slept overnight in their cars just waiting to see The Donald. Seems to be Trump supporters are anything but loyal when it comes to seeing the man, just as any supporter of their candidate of choice.

After his speech, Trump signed autographs and shook hands with many of his supporters. The rally was civil compared to the previous night in Chicago. Voting for the Ohio primaries took place on Tuesday, March 15.


Emily Culbertson