• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

A time for Women

Final pages master2 BACKUPToday women aren’t just surviving, they are thriving—Dayton Contemporary Dance Company presents its very first Women In Motion: Empowered By Dance Women’s Conference.

“Three years ago, DCDC had this vision about having a women’s conference, and to do it around the holistic health of a woman,” Burnette Clingman, conference organizer and founder of Burnette Clingman Enterprises, said.

The Women’s Conference offers sessions throughout a three-day event on different aspects of the contemporary woman, such as education, finance, image, health, relationships and spirituality.

These represent the holistic aspects of a woman, according to Clingman. When women have all of these things in check, while focusing on balance and realizing change is needed, then they are able to take on life with joy—not burden.

“That makes us at peace when we do the work that we do—worrisome is not there,” Clingman said.

But what is the connection between a dance company and a women’s conference?

DCDC, which is directed by two women, is a community anchor, according to Clingman. The company shows not only an artistic side, but also a cultural and educational side that devotes itself to bettering the lives of the community.

Looking at the DCDC dancers—specifically the female dancers—each of these aspects that are being discussed at the event affect their bodies, minds and spirits. Aside from being a dancer, these women go through similar experiences that many women go through on a day-to-day basis.

The physical health as a woman is important because of the fast-paced lifestyle and heavy demands that comes into play when taking care of a family, as well as a professional life.

“The dancer’s diet and their exercise is important to them because their bodies are their instruments,” Clingman said.

The spiritual aspect of a woman is about her soul, and where her spirit comes from. As dancers, the spirit and soul always have to be in check because that’s where the emotion is pulled from, according to Clingman.

As a woman, education is even more important in this era. Women are faced with extra challenges everyday, in order to prepare the mind for upcoming opportunities, education needs to come into play.

“One of the ways [DCDC] connects to their audience is by being well-informed individuals,” Clingman said. “Education makes you well informed.”

As the traditional mindset views a relationship between men and finances, women today are starting to become empowered to take control of her own financial resources.

“[The dancers, and women in general,] are always thinking about the future—am I covered for my future? That is the upmost important,” Clingman said.

Connections and networking are a vital part of women’s lives. Restoring balance through connection is important so that women can build friendships and relate to each other while doing so.

Expression is an important aspect not only for dancers, but for women in general, and in order to express oneself, their image must be presented in a way that represents who they are.

“Their image is everything, every decision they make in their lives personally and professionally reflects their image,” Clingman said. “They are very careful with what and whom they are associated with.”

dance 2Clingman, along with DCDC, believe that when women are dreaming about these areas and constantly working toward their goals, then happiness, confidence and joy will appear in their lives.

“If you just move on one or two of these areas and implement to the next 30, 60, 90 days to a year, and it takes one of these areas to a new level in your life then we’ve done our work,” Clingman said.

On Thursday, the first day of the conference will start the process of reaching all of these holistic aspects by networking and connecting with each other. DCDC will be woven through the conference by embracing movement and focusing on getting women to feel comfortable within their bodies to move around and to have fun throughout the event.

Sylvia Flanagan, former senior editor of Jet Magazine and motivational speaker, will be the keynote speaker on Friday, along with Linda Rutherford, vice president and chief communications officer at Southwest Airlines. The conference is inviting experts in each of the aspects to speak in order to give women the resources they need to make changes.

Aside from learning and moving, Friday is also about honoring women since March is Women’s History Month.

“Friday is a full day of learning,” Clingman said. “Our goal is to be touched, but to move on information that you get.”

Saturday is the finale day, when the workshop will be coming to an end. The day will consist of a video from Congresswoman, Joyce Beatty, along with a few other talents and surprises, according to Clingman.

She said to think practical information, a shared mindset and personal “wow” moments during this conference. She hopes the three days will be added value to each of the lives, and that the information will touch their hearts and souls.

Clingman said she invites diversity to the conference by hoping to see African American women, Caucasian women, Asian women, Hispanic women, and Middle Eastern women, as well as short, tall, slim and full figured women from 18 to as young as 65.

“I don’t want women coming by themselves—I want a sister bringing a sister,” Clingman said.

This three-day event is March 11 to March 13 at the Dayton Crowne Plaza. The total cost for the event is $129, but in addition, you’ll receive a free ticket to a DCDC performance, along with breakfast and lunch, a gift bag and your learning materials.

“It’s a wise investment,” Clingman said.

The growth, joy, peace, and health all make up the goodness that is in our lives, but we must make the choice to make the changes to better ourselves, according to Clingman.

In an era full of women who are embracing opportunities and pushing the boundaries to embrace change not only in the community, but also in the world, Clingman said this is perfect timing to attend a women’s conference.

“We are going to be seeing women doing positive things on a level we’ve never seen before—I believe that with all of my heart,” Clingman said. “There’s a book I enjoy reading every morning, and in this book, it says ‘there is a time, a season, and a purpose for everything on heaven and on earth.’ And this is the time for women.”

For more information about Women In Motion: Empowered By Dance Women’s Conference, contact DCDC at (937)-228-3232. To purchase tickets contact Ticket Center Stage at (937)-228-3630 or visit www.ticketcenterstage.com.

Gabrielle Sharp
Executive Editor