• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Spring Break Survival Guide

sb12For many students, Spring Break means a much-deserved getaway, a chance to usher in the warm weather with friends and fun. Whether you’re hitting Key West or Columbus, some people prey on students, assuming they are young, vulnerable and have money to burn. Here are a few tips to make sure you don’t fall victim to any kind of spring break predator.

Tip 1: Don’t walk alone at night. Especially for female students, it is important to stick with a friend. If you know the area you’re in, it can help. However, stick with a friend to make sure you can help each other if you get into a questionable area.

Tip 2: Don’t fall into “tourist traps.” Most anywhere most students want to go on Spring Break will be full of people expecting tourists like you. There will be plenty of souvenirs “on sale,” tourist packages promising guided tours of hotspots, and people offering services to help you make the most of your vacation. Where the “trap” lies is when you take the first offer. If you want souvenirs, shop around. If you want a guided tour, do some research ahead of time to find the best deal and most reputable service providers.

Tip 3: Know what you’re eating. Do research ahead of time to make sure there are no foodborne illnesses or epidemics in the area you are traveling to. If there are, avoid the foods responsible or the area all together. Also, try to find out the local health department ratings of restaurants you plan to visit. Most of the time, these ratings can be found online. Some large cities like New York City even display the health department rating in the front window of restaurants.

Tip 4: Protect your money. Anywhere you go, there are people on the lookout for easy targets. Things that can make you an easy target are openly displaying cash; leaving your purse or bag unattended; and not watching your belongings. To protect yourself even more, carry a “dummy” wallet. If you ever get mugged and someone demands your wallet, give them the fake one. In most cases, the burglar won’t stick around long enough to make sure everything in it is real and valid.

sb10An essential this traveling season is an RFID-blocking wallet. There are RFID devices that can scan any card you have that has an electronic stripe. RFID stands for “Radio Frequency IDentification.” Just as credit card machines can read your card when you make purchases, these scanners can read cards and collect information. This makes you vulnerable to identity theft, credit card theft, and theft of possibly all financial resources. RFID-blocking wallets are fairly inexpensive and can be found at many stores in the area, as well as online.

Tip 5: Show off your college education. The best way to show that you are smart is by being safe. If you have a feeling about going to a certain place or something feels “off,” don’t do it. That’s most likely your subconscious telling you that something is wrong. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. Come back to Sinclair relaxed and ready to finish the semester strong.

Happy Spring Breaking!

Meggan Lanahan