• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetDear Gabby,

I am a freshman here at Sinclair, aspiring to be a nurse. I have all of my pre requisites done and I’m so excited! But the next step is the dreaded waitlist. I’m so nervous that it is going to be years before I get in. I have heard so many stories from other people that they waited two years before getting in.

I am completely overwhelmed with the thought of the waitlist. How could I be so scared of a list? I actually don’t even know why. Gabby, how do I find out exactly how long it will be? Also, how do I calm down in the process of waiting?


Overwhelmed and under promised

Dear Overwhelmed and under promised,

I have heard about the dreaded waitlist for the nursing program, but I’ve also heard that it’s a great program, so that’s a positive point at least. The plus side is that your pre-requisites are completed, which I am sure any student would be jealous of—let’s be honest here. But I am sure it’s disappointing to think that you might have to wait for a bit until you can actually start in the program. However, I am sure the positives outweigh the negatives though.

I am unsure how to find out about the waitlist, but I would guess academic advising would be able to point you in the right direction. They would have more knowledge about the program and who the Chair is of the department. This might help you get a rough estimate on how many months you’ll have to wait.

As for learning to calm down during the potential wait, I think everyone copes with stress and anxiety differently, so it’s up to you to find what works best for you. I think focusing on the bigger picture always helps me. It’s not about the time that it will take because you know eventually you’ll get to your goal, so the end result is the most important. In your case, you know you’ll be in a career that interests you, and you’ll have proper training for it, no matter how long the wait list is. I know it’s cliché, but the wait is worth it.

Good luck,
