• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Will Woosh woo or woe?

IMG_9018Woosh, a sustainable water company selected Sinclair as a main portion of

their market testing in the greater Dayton area. The Dayton Region Israel Trade

Alliance played a key role in the process of bringing Woosh’s business to Dayton.

Launched February 1 outside the Main Street Café in Building 10, President

of Sinclair Steve Johnson was there along with Montgomery County City Commissioner Dan Foley, Dayton City Commissioner Chris Shaw, head of the Dayton Development Coalition Julie Sullivan, and co-founder and CEO Itay whatshisface to kick off the opening of the Smart Stations.

Woosh’s market testing features three Smart Water Stations around campus available for students to purchase filtered water at fractions of the price of competitive bottled water brands. There are a select and limited amount of stations outside of the Sinclair locations.

The Smart Stations—created with cloud technology—feature regular refills for average containers up to 600 ml at the price of $.50, and refills for larger containers, up to 1000 ml at $.75, Additionally, Woosh offers a unique rinse service for a surcharge of $.15.

IMG_5669“Really, what we did was build a relationship, and really—that’s what this Israel and Dayton initiative is all about,” Foley said. There is potential for Dayton to later produce the Woosh machines according to Foley. “We believe that with our manufacturing companies and with our workforce, we can make these machines in Dayton, Ohio. So, our partnership with Itay we think is not going to be about cutting a ribbon and getting this first machine but its going to be about helping Itay grow this company in a way he want it to for success, not only for Itay but for the Dayton region,” Foley said.

Dayton has access to the Great Miami aquifer, which fueled the “Save the Tap” campaign in which Dayton residents are encouraged to cut back on bottled water purchases and to instead enjoy Dayton’s high quality tap water in an effort to be both sustainable and cost efficient.

The Woosh Smart Water Stations track the estimated amount of bottles saved from landfills through Woosh use. “These two communities from across the globe have found a way to partner and bring new economic opportunities to Dayton,” Sullivan said.

Itay was the last to take the stand. Sinclair’s vibrant campus, student body and faculty made the partnership seem like “heaven” according to Itay. “It was clear that Sinclair was the ideal location,” Itay said.

Sinclair students have noticed the installations, and throughout the week of the launch. Woosh workers have been at locations with free samples to promote interest.“I actually plan on using it,” Alexander Abbot, Communication major said. “Everything seems logical about it. I happen to use a lot of bottled water and it’s usually pretty pricey and the bottles build up,” Abbot said.

The green initiative seems to be attracting positive reception on campus. However, the economic incentive is also turning people towards Woosh. “Basically it’s 60 cents for filtered water. I think I’m [interested] because it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than a $1.50 bottled water,” Kairsten Boninsegena, ASL major said.

Some students aren’t quite sold on the water stations. “The girl’s lockerroom in Building 8 already has a water bottle refilling station,” Mystery Woman said.Sinclair has dozens of water fountains across its massive campus, will Woosh catch on? Is being green and saving green enough? Tell us what you think online.

The Woosh Smart Water Stations are located in the Tartan Marketplace in Building 7, Main Street Café in Building 10 and Building 14 near the tunnel to the parking lot.

“Basically it’s like 60 cents for filtered water, I think I am because it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than buying 1.50 bottled water. “- Kairsten Boninsegena ASL major

“I actually plan on using it because everything about it seems logical. I happen to use a lot of bottled water and it’s usually pretty pricy and the bottles build up”

“I mean it’s filtered purified water, its good but in the girl’s lockeroom we have a water bottle refiller” –Who is Sarah?

Barton Kleen
Managing Editor