• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetDear Gabby,

Hello Gabby, I am a student at the Sinclair Community College and I am only in my first semester here. I am working towards entering the Nursing Program here at Sinclair, and then hope to transfer to Wright State. I am not sure the exact field I want to go in, but that is why nursing is a great field to work in.
So I have a problem, Gabby, and I’m hoping you can help me. I am trying to figure out what classes to register for next spring semester, and this is so difficult for me because right now I am taking Anatomy and Physiology I, but I am not sure I will pass. So I don’t know whether to go ahead and schedule for this class again next semester so I have a spot in the class or not and see if I pass.
So Gabby, should I schedule for this class next semester or not?

Just a student trying to get into the Nursing Program

Dear Just a student trying to get into the Nursing Program,

I really suggest creating a relationship with your teacher for all of your classes for that matter. I think many students make a mistake by not communicating with their professors, which essentially can hinder your learning experience. Your teachers and professors are there not only to teach your class, but also to help and guide you.
If you don’t give them the opportunity to get to know you, then they don’t have the chance to give you effective feedback in my opinion. I think many students think that they just need to turn in work and not actually creating a working relationship with the teacher, but I have personally talked to many professors who have said that they prefer students to communicate with them and to keep them updated on things that could possibly be questions about the work or obstacles that could affect your academic life.
A lot of teachers are willing to help you if you let them know your concerns. I would let your teachers know about your concerns in your class, and what you could do to improve your grade. Many professors also suggest to stay on track with your grades, that way you’re fully aware how many points you need for a certain letter grade and such.
I would suggest that you first talk to your teachers as soon as possible, and then get feedback from them about your progress and grades. This will give you a better understanding about what direction you need to take for the next semester. Another option is also scheduling classes for both, and then once you find out your grades then you can drop what you need to. This way, it will ensure that you will be able to have a spot saved for you in either class.

Good luck,