• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetDear Gabby,

I am a 43-year-old student here at Sinclair. I am returning to change my path after 25 years in the same career. I have chosen a difficult program, but my passion for it is strong. I am getting good grades so far, and have been able to balance everything quite well.

I have a job, a family and animals that I take care of, and a household to run. My next term has a heavy workload and I’m getting worried about my ability to keep that balance. I’m sure that I’m not the only one here. It is really tough to go home, get dinner ready, do some work, keep a home and when you finally sit down to quietly study, there’s yet 3 more things that need to be
done or someone needs something.

Do you have any advice for those of us who aren’t as young and energenic as most of the students here? I try to get as much work done here that I can, but there is always some that carries over to take home with me.

Sincerely, Balancing act

Dear Balancing act,

Let me say first that I am so glad you found the courage to change your path toward something that you’re so passionate about—I find that very admirable. That in itself should be a fire that ignites energy in you to keep pushing through; I guarantee it will be worth it in the end. I can’t say from experience how to keep your energy up coming from your standpoint because I am fairly young, and still have a lots of things to build in my life, but I will say that finding something that you’re passionate about and keeping that in front of you will help keep you motivated.

I’ve talked to many people, all ages, who feel as though there’s not enough time in the day, so you’re not alone in that. It’s a struggle to get everything done and still try to find time for yourself, but that is why I stress to my friends that it’s important to find something that will give you the drive to want to do more, as well as pushing yourself no matter how tired you are.

As far as keeping your energy up throughout the day, it’s obviously really important to keep your health at the top of your priorities. So many people tell me they don’t have time to take care of themselves because they have others they need to take care of, but if you don’t care of yourself then you wont have the strength and ability to take care of others. Try to find time to tend to yourself—even if its just 15 minutes out of your day. I know it’s easier said than done.

Don’t feel like you’re alone in this either, many students of all ages, feel the stress beating down on them, but just know that in the end the journey will be worth it. Keep your goals ahead of you, and focus on your passion.

Good luck,