• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetDear Gabby,

I’ve been going to Sinclair for two semesters; I have been wanting to get more involved on campus. I feel like I am more comfortable now that I have been here for more than one semester, and I am slowly meeting more people. Recently, I have been wanting to get more connected and involved on campus. I just don’t know where to start, or what to exactly get into. Many teachers always say in class that it’s about networking and meeting people to create relationships. I am thinking that it’s probably a good idea to start networking while in college. Do you agree? Also, do you have any suggestions on how to connect more at Sinclair?

Networking Nelly

Dear Networking Nelly,

I would 100 percent agree! It’s so important to create relationships throughout every aspect in your life because, ultimately, it’s who you know, not what you know—I can’t tell you how many people have told me that. Of course, getting skills and a degree are definitely helpful, but the people you meet; such as, students and teachers, can help you get to your goal.
I’m a huge believer in surrounding yourself with people who support you and people who have similar goals in life. I would put that in the same category as networking. It’s important to meet people and show them your true colors because more than likely they could know someone, who knows someone, who could be looking for a person just like you for a job position, etc.
Sinclair is a great way to meet people. Teachers are definitely a great source when it comes to networking. They usually know people in the industry who can help you get a job or direct you in the right way. Also, you can get connected by visiting the Community Engagement Office in Building 8 in room 025, which will help you get involved by helping host events with Sinclair, as well as getting involved with clubs and campus organizations.
You can also visit www.sinclair.edu/organizations to get more information on the campus organizations. There are many to choose from, it just depends on your interests. It’ll definitely help get connections on campus, as well as finding school spirit once you’re involved with a club.

Good luck,