• Thu. Feb 27th, 2025


What are your worst ‘college student’ habits?
Are you trying to change these habits? Why or why not?
How do you plan to change this semester?

Mengqi Wang, Accounting Major

mengqiwang“I just sometimes don’t have enough time to do the homework. I’m good at [time management], just kind of busy. I just do it over time. I study, sleep less, spend more time [studying] in the night. It’s more important to get the homework done. I just drink more coffee. . . It’s just a little bit hard to [work less]. When you work you have a fast-paced schedule, and if you don’t work, then other people—it’s hard for


Kkrystennelsonrysten Nelson, Chemical Dependency Counseling Major

Procrastination, definitely. Homework is just like, they give us a set date, and I put it off, and put it off, and it’s like, ‘Oh my god it’s due tomorrow, I’ve got to do all of it tonight!’ I bought a planner so I can remind myself to do my homework in a timely manner, that way I’m not so stressed and overwhelmed  with everything. I really want to do good this semester, so just scheduling, planning things out, being  more organized. . . I’ve retaken several classes because of procrastination. I always do so much better


mollybuckinghamMolly Buckingham, Communications Major

“That’s my life habit: skipping sleep and drinking coffee. But I do not procrastinate, ever. I try to avoid  that. I did my first semester here at Sinclair, but that was three semesters ago, so I’m pretty much done  with [procrastinating]. I made some progress. . . I’m addicted to coffee, and the sleep thing is fine, so I’m  okay. I’m doing alright. . . I just take it as it comes, when I’m assigned assignments, I just take it from  there, and as soon as I have a free moment—I work as well—I will go ahead and finish that assignment.  Free moments don’t come every day, so sometimes you’re forced to procrastinate. . . When I can, I do it


brittanyschmidtBrittany Schmidt, Visual Communications Major

“I would say procrastinating would be my problem, and I have a planner for it too. It doesn’t work if you  don’t want to do it. I think it’s—well, part of it would be work. . . because you go to school and you go to  work, but I think motivation is an issue. I’m a little lazy. I’ve been here since fall of last year and I think  I’ve gotten better at it. . . It is a goal to [change it] because I’m going full time. I’m not really concerned  about when I graduate, [but] I’m hoping to graduate in a year, mainly because I’m going full time.”


aceebertAce Ebert, Software Development Major

“I stay up too late usually. I just don’t sleep well, so I just end up staying up late, and then it’s kind of a  struggle to make it to class on time. That’s probably my worst habit. I’m not usually late, but there are  days where it’s just like, I walk in like ten, fifteen minutes late because I woke up late. . . All professors  I’ve had – I’ve been here for an entire year now, and this semester – they hate it when you’re late. I’ve  never had a professor who’s been casual about tardiness. . . I have been [trying to change] recently, I’ve  been going to bed a lot earlier, getting up hours before class even starts. . . it’s not just about grades,  necessarily, but it’s how you’re viewed by your professors that affects it, when it comes down to it. As a  student, you can know everything, but if you mess up at all, and your professor sees you’re someone  who’s just kind of winging it, they’re not going to go the extra mile to help you.”


dylanschirmerDylan Schirmer, Associate of Arts Major with History Focus

“My worst habit is, I would say, I procrastinate. I’m pretty bad procrastinator. Also, sometimes I’m not  the best note-taker either. [With] notes, I’ll maybe mishear something, and when I’m trying to study  later I won’t be able to remember and then that’ll affect my score. [With] procrastinating, I just try to do  everything at the last minute, don’t get everything done, or then it’s done sloppily, then you get a bad  grade on it. . . When I get home, I’m going to try to get all my stuff done there, try to use an assignment  book more than in high school, and carry a pad of paper around. . . and try to write down like whatever  the [professor is] talking about . . . It’ll also relieve pressure when I’m trying to study, and that way at  the last minute I don’t have to do much stuff.”