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Your Voice: What is your dream summer vacation?

ByClarion Staff

Jun 26, 2015

Caleb Pardon
Mechanical Engineering Major
“Totally pass my physics class because I’m struggling really hard. If I could travel somewhere I would go to California for air soft or Sweden because it’s really popular there as well.”

Chardeà Middlebrook
Liberal Arts Major
“To not be working at Sinclair during the summer [and] to be far away, somewhere on the beach—just lying about.”

Marco Salis
Electronics & Engineering Tech Major
“I would like to go to California, and actually have a nice walk on the beach, that’d be a nice vacation
and a Corona in my hand-because Coronas are the greatest.”

Briana Ball
Social Work Major
“My dream vacation would be to go to Brazil because the scenery is one of a kind and pretty and nice. I would love to see a culture outside of mine and experience it like they do.”

Tyler Hogan
Business Administration Major
“Hawaii—the beaches, the islands, and many pretty girls there. The food would be good… it would be interesting. [It’s] my favorite vacation spot, and I want to see if it’s the big fuss of what people say about it and see for myself.”

Namron Bush
Criminal Justice Major
“My dream vacation would be anywhere with family—anytime with them is always fun.”

The Clarion Staff decided to also chime in and share their dream summer vacations with the readers:

With summer semester going strong and B-term classes starting up, the sweltering heat has left students with vacation on their minds. What was your ideal vacation destination?
Check out some of the Clarion staff’s own ideal summer vacations!

Barton Kleen
Social Media Editor
“I’d really like to visit Monterey. Ohio hardly has any water. I feel like a fish out of water here. Or maybe I’d just like to go visit family and spend a few days out on the lakes in Minnesota. Anywhere I go I’ll be bringing lots of sun screen and mosquito repellent, that’s for sure.”

Gabrielle Sharp
Executive Editor
“I want to take a trip to Europe! Maybe travel to London, Barcelona, Amsterdam and Rome.”

Jimaur Calhoun
Arts & Entertainment Editor
“I would love to travel to Japan or Hong Kong. Those countries are just so far and different from what I am use to and yet, if I traveled to either country, chances are big that i would not return to the united states.