• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Study abroad with EartH20

Students can now apply to study abroad in Costa Rica and gain professional skills in energy development and sustainability.
EartH2O is a program that works with Sinclair to provide students with an opportunity to learn more about engineering, environmental sustainability, business and entrepreneurship in an exotic location.
“EartH2O offers one of the best opportunities in the world for students…to get professional-level, hands-on experience to learn about sustainable development, renewable energy and water sustainability,” said Melissa Wynne-Jones of The Confluence Group, which hosts the study-abroad program.
The EartH2O program is accredited. Students can earn two academic credits from the one-to-two week courses. These credits are transferrable and applicable to many career paths.
“From the hands-on experience, alumni have gone on to start their own sustainable energy companies, work in sustainability for large corporations, or initiate green policies for government organizations,” Wynne-Jones said.
She said that these programs are very affordable when compared to other two-credit hour classes.
Costa Rica is the only location in the world where students can see and experience commercial-scale hydropower, wind, biomass, geothermal and solar plants all in one area. EartH2O provides the access students need to get the most out of this experience, according to Wynne-Jones.
Even though Costa Rica has a per capita income of less than $11,000, it is ranked third in the 2014 Global Green Index. For more information, students should visit TheConfluenceGroup.com.

Meggan Lannahan