• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Your Voice:

What stresses you out? Are you stressed about finals? How do you deal with stress?

Jessica Bunn, SCC accounting major.Alex Anders
Liberal Arts Major
“Yeah, finals stresses me out because I’m an athlete also, and being on the baseball team, we might not even be here for Monday on finals week. I think finals just stress you out because the year is almost over, and you’re pretty much just trying to get everything done and settled with so you can enjoy your summer. Time management’s a big deal for me, because once again, being with sports, it really changes your perspective on things. We have to get our work done or else we won’t be able to play. Our coach is pretty strict about it. So getting all of your work done before practice and before weights in the morning, make sure you’re doing your homework on time, getting enough sleep is a really big deal to be successful.”

Jessica Bunn, SCC accounting major.Carrie Smith
Liberal Arts Major
“Definitely, because I am behind on my work. . . otherwise I wouldn’t be [stressed]. My classes are great right now, so but that’s my own fault, just busy. . . I just lose sleep and I do the best that I can. I don’t really know how I’m dealing with it. I keep coming up with game plans and things, but they don’t always work out, so we’ll see how it comes together at the end. But you know, this is my fourth semester here so I know that it will be alright.”

Jessica Bunn, SCC accounting major.Nora Ensalaco
History Major
“No, I’m just confident that I know the material and the curriculum. I try to study throughout the year so that I don’t lose information. I’ve always been a good test taker. I’m taking an online class for the first time and there are some particular stipulations that teachers have you do, and so I’ve lost points because of that, so I generally just worry about my overall GPA. But as far as finals go, I’m pretty set. It’s not so much as dealing with it, it’s kind of like a learning as you go along thing. . . Just know that, in any venture, whether it’s work or school or personal relationships, you’re not always going to get 100 percent, but you just have to know what it is that you can do differently, and just try your best every time.”

Jessica Bunn, SCC accounting major.Jordan Allen
Criminal Justice Major
“Yes, just a lot of work pushed to the end of the semester. I feel like in certain classes it’s just going to be like getting rushed. A little bit of studying, I guess, and make time for other stuff. Don’t cram it all into one session. You got to break it up a little bit. Too much studying can be a bad thing. It’ll make you go crazy. For future reference, just don’t wait until the last minute to start studying, make sure you know your stuff before taking the test and just make sure you’re prepared for it.”

Jessica Bunn, SCC accounting major.Joshua Mack
Business Major
“A little bit [of stress], I mean, I’ve got a lot to do, so I’m a little worried. I go to study tables with the [baseball] team, so I can get some extra study time in. I just try to relax when I can, just get some sleep, make sure I eat and stuff like that, that’s about it. That’s how I deal with the stress, though. Don’t psych yourself out with it, just relax, and it will all work out. Just make sure you use time management. Do the work along the way, just relax, don’t worry too much, and it’ll all fall together.”

Jessica Bunn, SCC accounting major.Aaron Vaughn
Criminal Justice Major
“Sometimes, because they will be hard, you know. It depends on if you pass the class or not. Test taking [stresses me out], I guess. That’s about it. I just listen to music. Find some way to cope with it that’s healthy, I guess. You should study for them throughout the year, it makes it easier if you know what you’re looking forward to. Just make sure you know the material in class. Get a tutor if you need it.”

Maggie Stacey