• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Service group helps community

The Unit is a fitness-based community service program in Dayton whose motto is “Improving self, improving community.” They certainly live up to the expectation. They have recently volunteered at both the House of Bread and the Dayton program, “Shoes 4 the Shoeless.”
The House of Bread is a volunteer-driven organization that provides a hot and nutritious meal to anyone in need during lunchtime hours. Shoes 4 the Shoeless is a local non-profit organization that provides new and correctly-fitting gym shoes to children in Montgomery County who live in poverty.

Maksym Gerasimov, a student majoring in Civil Engineering Technology here at Sinclair, is a regular member of the Unit who sometimes helps facilitate organized exercises. He regularly participates with the Unit in volunteer projects. The most recent Unit project was at the House of Bread. “We went there and helped paint their bathrooms and the kitchen,” Gerasimov said.
The Unit also volunteered with Shoes 4 the Shoeless, whose mission states, “In Montgomery County, 40.9% of children live in poverty. The majority of them are in desperate need of shoes and socks. Wearing ill-fitting and worn shoes often condemns children to physical, social and emotional problems that last a lifetime.”
When a member brought this program to the Unit’s attention, Maksym stated, “I got really inspired by it, and I wanted to share this message, that we should try and help out.”
As a result, the Unit participated in the process of helping children size, choose and wear their new shoes. Students from Sinclair participated in the event as well as members of the Unit.
Deciding on a community service project in the Unit is a simple process. Members are welcome to bring ideas and events to the table.
“One of our members, Jennifer Campbell, she finds this opportunity, posts it on Facebook, or sends information to myself or to other people, and we show up,” said Gerasimov.
Upcoming projects in April include participation in the Adopt a Park program, as well as a project with Rebuilding Together Dayton. The Unit will be adopting Riverscape, one of Dayton’s metroparks.
Rebuilding Together Dayton is a Miami Valley organization that rehabilitates homes occupied by low-income homeowners.
Events are not limited to service opportunities. The Unit organizes regular workouts and hosts social events.
When workouts can take place outdoors, participants divide into three groups advanced, intermediate, and low impact. Gerasimov said that “we are planning on moving outside again, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, when the weather is going to be stable.”
Gerasimov also said that during summer months, anywhere from 50 to 120 people regularly participate in the workouts.
Currently the workout schedule includes Monday and Wednesday nights, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the evenings, and morning workouts on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Also in the summers, the Unit hosts picnics. Last summer’s potluck picnic hosted approximately 400 people. The event included games and music from local DJs. The Unit plans to have another picnic this summer.
The Unit is an organization open to ideas. To become a member of the Unit, one must simply show up to a workout or to an event.
“We are very flexible. We love feedback,” said Gerasimov. “Now we are trying to engage more people to become leaders and build themselves up … we always embrace everyone coming in, and most of the people like it.”

Maggie Stacey
Staff Writer