• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Dear Gabby : Too late to follow dreams?

Dear Gabby,

Being a 29-year-old male student on the verge of graduating at Sinclair leaves me with many questions, many that I have to face long before my graduation date.
I was certainly not a normal child by society’s standards or even my parents’,
for that matter. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 6th grade and continued to struggle with authority into my early 20s. I heard more, “(Name) against the State of Ohio” than I heard, “(Name) you are doing a terrific job.”
But after much hard work, I was able to climb the corporate ladder with no college degree, making over $60,000 a year. But I wasn’t happy with what I was doing anymore. Sure it paid the bills and for countless epic trips taken across the world, but is it worth the headache and pain every morning waking up not wanting to go to work?
Do I continue the career path that has proven success or do I venture the road less traveled and follow my dreams of moving to California? I’m certainly not getting younger but at almost 30, is it too late to follow my dreams?

Sincerely, the Dreamer

Dear Dreamer,

Do what you love. I wake up every morning and I get to do what I love. Yes, money is exciting, it helps you live a lifestyle you otherwise would not have access to, but if you are not happy, then what is the point? I think you need to sit down and do a pros and cons list—that always works for me.
Honestly, in what you have told me, it sounds like you already have your heart and mind made up. Follow your dreams because when you’re old and gray, it’s not going to matter how much money you had or the things you owned,– what will really matter most is the memories you created.
Besides, 30 is not old, you have the rest of your life ahead of you and maybe you can still make money in doing what you love.

Hope this helps,