• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

My Voice: Her body, her choice.

ByClarion Staff

Feb 11, 2015

Abortion is not and should not be a crime. There are many reasons why a woman may choose to terminate a fetus, but there should be no law impeding her ability to make her own decisions with her body.
I personally don’t know if it is morally right or wrong, but is that my choice to decide?
I am a man. I will never know what it is like to carry a baby inside of me, never know what it feels like to have it kick, or move, or any of the wonderful gifts that an expectant mother will experience.
I think it is absolute insanity that a small section of our society thinks that they can tell another person what to do with their body.
I completely understand these people’s stance on the subject; for some, it has do with their religious beliefs, and that’s fine, but my understanding is that God is the only one who can make a decision when it comes to whether or not someone is to be judged for a so-called sin. He/She/It has the ultimate power not us.
Do I know if it’s wrong or not? No, I have no idea, but I am pro choice. It may be time, like for so many other issues we have, to realize that maybe we should agree to disagree.
I imagine if it becomes illegal to terminate a fetus we could have the same issues with abortion that we have had in the past. I, for one, do not want a woman to find it necessary to end a pregnancy in an unsafe way; a woman who is determined to end a pregnancy will do it in any manner she sees fit.
Is it fair for us to say, “Hey, this is illegal, and we don’t care if you want to do it or not”?
This unnamed woman will take it upon herself in possibly an unsanitary environment and end the pregnancy in her unskilled hands. Shouldn’t we see compassion instead of hate? This woman may accidentally end her own life, due to unforeseen complications.
Look at everything that is currently illegal. Does it stop illegal activity? Of course it doesn’t.
People still find ways around the law. I just worry that if we make it illegal or we shun or look down upon those who decide it’s the right choice for them, it makes us selfish and shows how little compassion we have. The world truly does not need more hate; we need more love.
Let’s leave the choice of what’s right or wrong in the tentacles/paws/hands of whatever higher power you believe in.