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The Muslim Student Association Speaks Out on ISIS

ByClarion Staff

Dec 4, 2014

With this article, the MSA stands with hundreds of other Muslim and Islamic organizations worldwide that condemn the actions of ISIS as un-Islamic. The MSA hopes that the reader will conduct more independent research on Islam. Some reliable sources are indicated at the completion of the article.

The media coverage about ISIS has been frequent and unrepresentative of the Muslim religion. As such, the Muslim Student Association (MSA) writes to inform you of the misconceptions about Islam as conveyed by the terrorist group ISIS. We will draw upon the two authentic sources of Islamic teachings: the Quran and the traditions of Mohammad, the Prophet of Islam, may peace and blessings be upon him (pbuh).

ISIS is an Islamic militant group on a mission to establish a so-called “Islamic State.” Since they began their offensive in June, ISIS has conquered Iraqi and Syrian territories by way of killing over 9,343 Muslims, Christians and other minorities. The total casualty rate, including wounded is at least 26,000. The majority of those killed and injured have been Muslims. Throughout their blind pursuit of their goal, ISIS has destroyed hospitals, schools, and places of worship, including ancient churches, shrines, and mosques.
While ISIS is gaining power and international recognition, ISIS members fail to realize their attempt to establish an Islamic state has been ill-legitimized by Islam, due to their ongoing violations of Islamic law. Contrasting the Quran and the actions of ISIS gives us some insight. The messenger of Islam used as a foundation of spreading the religion mercy, good manners, and excellent character. God says about His messenger, ‘And we have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds’ (21:107). As evidenced above, ISIS’s establishment of the Islamic State has stemmed from compulsion and destruction. They have waged wars against the innocent and helpless in order to fulfil their desires.
God has prohibited the slaying of innocent lives: “And do not slay the soul [whose life] God has made inviolable, except with due cause…” (Al-Isra’, 17:33).
In fact, it is one of the most abominable sins: ‘Because of that, We decreed for the Children of Israel that whoever slays a soul for other than a soul, or for corruption in the land, it shall be as if he had slain mankind all together; and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of mankind. Our messengers have already come with clear proofs, but after that many of them still commit excess in the land’ (Al-Ma’idah, 5:32). Although God has spoken with utter clarity on the matter of taking innocent lives, ISIS has demonstrated and reinforced their heedlessness to them.
ISIS has made choices in accordance with their own desires and false understanding of Islam. They have been advised by leading scholars of Islam around the world about their wrongdoings, yet pay them no attention. About this, God says, ‘Whosoever does not judge according to what God has revealed, those are the evildoers’ (Al- Ma’idah, 5:45), In another verse, God describes these people as ‘disbelievers’ (5:45) and in another, as wicked (5:47). In whatever category ISIS may fall, ISIS fails to represent obedience to the faith in neither spirit nor character.
For more information on Islam: www.whyislam.org
Find free courses at: http://free-islamic-course.org/

Falastin Issa