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Unique and fun holidays held in May and June

ByClarion Staff

Apr 21, 2014

Save the Rhino Day on May 1 is a day to, you guessed it, Save the Rhinos. On this day, educate those around you about the dangers that surround the rhino to help save it from extinction, or visit a zoo and let the Rhinos know you enjoy their company.

According to holidayinsights.com, May 3 is World Press Freedom Day — on this day “World Press recognizes the value of freedom of expression, and the sacrifices journalist have made to attain this freedom. It was created, and is sponsored, by the United Nations.” So during this 24-hour period, enjoy your freedom of expression and know that it is not a given right in many countries.

May 4 is none other than Star Wars Day. “May the fourth be with you” when you spend you day sitting around and watching Star Wars movies, or walking around campus quoting them.

No Diet Day comes around on May 6. Does the warm weather make you want to start eating healthy and make your way to a new you? Just go ahead and think about that another day, because on this day, you are not going on that diet you hoped for. Eat cake, cookies or cupcakes. Whatever you do, make sure your idea of a diet is out of your mind because it can happen another day.

Take May 7 to go travel, because the day is National Tourism Day. Make sure wherever you choose to go, know why you are going, because they just may give you discounted prices on events you may have not been given access to otherwise.

No Socks Day is May 8. Hopefully this day will be extremely warm and sunny so flip-flops can be worn. If you are one of the sock flip-flop enthusiasts, throw those socks in the trash and let your feet free on this day.

Apart from Mother’s Day, Twilight Zone Day is also on May 11. Take the time to sit and watch some episodes of the television show Twilight Zone on this day and you will be set. If anything mysterious, weird, or surreal happens, just blame it on the day and move on to the next big thing.

When you were younger did you play the “Frog Game”, and jump over your friends like a frog? If so, May 13 is for you, because it is Frog Jumping Day. Jump to your hearts content on this day and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t.

May 18 is Visit Your Relatives Day. Is there a certain relative you never go and see — always feeling guilty about it? Today is the day to redeem yourself. Go see your great grandma in that hideous sweater she bought you for Christmas that she keeps asking about, or go visit your favorite uncle. Whatever you do, make sure you do it with a relative in mind.

Everyone once a chance to participate in the day on May 20, as it is Be a Millionaire Day. On this day, if you are a millionaire, go ahead and use the day to spend money on all your wants, and forget the needs. But if you are not a millionaire, take some time to review your investments so you can make sure you are on the right track to becoming the millionaire you have always wanted to be.

Remember those lucky pennies you pick up from time to time laying on the ground? May 23 is a day to commemorate this day, because it is Lucky Penny Day. If you wanted, you could always take a penny and leave it face up, creating luck for someone else as a way to kind of “take a penny, leave a penny.”

As the weather gets warmer, the sun gets brighter, so May 27 — which is Sun Screen Day, is a day to remind you to not forget about that sunscreen you may need if you happen to have skin that burns to a crisp whenever the slightest notion of sunshine comes out. Go stock up on all the sunscreen in the world, because the next couple of months will be hot.

Speaking of hot months, on June 2 it is National Rocky Road day. This day could be a good counter to sunscreen day, because you can spend your time eating all the rocky road ice cream you want.

For all you cat lovers out there, June 4 is Hug Your Cat Day. We all know you have had those days when all you want to do is go home from your busy day and hug your cat. Feel free to do so on this day, because the holiday is demanding that you go hug your cat.

Best Friends Day is on June 8. If summer break is causing you to not see your best friend like it did during the semester, go ahead and call your best friend up and plan a fun filled day, you will be sure not to regret it and it will be refreshing to see your best friend again.

June 10 is National Iced Tea Day. Instead of water and Gatorade cooling you down, you can use ice tea. Iced Tea has been known in the past as a healthy alternative to all the pop we drink, so drink up some tea on this day and be proud.

World Jugglers Day is June 14. Find your closest circus on this day, and plan a trip to go see some jugglers. Take your friends and relatives, making it a nice family fun day out.

International Panic Day on June 18 is set-aside for those who feel like they are at the end of their rope, just about to let it all go and panic. For those of you who have been waiting on this day all year, let it all out. Spend your time panicking over not being able to pay your bills, or panic over how you feel you should have been right handed instead of left. Whatever you choose to panic over, just make sure you get it all out before the next day comes around.

June 20 is Take Your Dog to Work Day. We all know we have wanted to do it at one point or another. Have your dog sit around in the office with you, or go out on the job. But don’t forget to bring plenty of food and water on this day, because your little friend may not like the day as much as you do without it.

Swim a Lap Day is on June 24. If you have yet to step foot into a pool, go ahead and give yourself an excuse to do so on this day. Soak up in the sun and the hot weather and let yourself go. I’m sure you will have sunscreen in your cabinet from the previous Sunscreen Day in May.

June 26 is Forgiveness Day. Take the time to reflect on the things you have done in the past and forgive yourself, as well as others. Call up the person you thought you would never talk to again and try to make amends. If this day is not for you, you could just remind yourself to forgive in the future so you won’t have to worry about this day when it comes around again.

June 29 is Camera Day. Instead of your smartphone, grab a camera and take a picture of everything you see, documenting your every move. Be sure to tell your friends about this day also, so they can participate and you can compare days.

Meteor Day is June 30. Take the time to look up into the night’s sky to see if you can spot that meteor you have wanted to see. If not, go home and research meteors on this day so you can be sure to catch one next time it comes around.