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Unique April holidays

ByClarion Staff

Mar 31, 2014

April is known National Humor month. Maybe this is because April Fools comes on the first day and it flows throughout spring after harsh winters kept inside, away from social and comical interaction.

Nevertheless, April 1 is a day that most pranksters have known and loved for a long time, as it is April Fools Day. On this day, take the time to pull the biggest prank you can think of on a friend of your choice. However, I’m sure instant karma will take a huge presence if you choose to go down the pranking route.

April 4 is Hug a Newsman Day. Do you like reading the Clarion? If so, on this day, come up and tell each of our staff with a hug. Don’t worry, we won’t mind — just be sure to remind us of why you are coming at us with open arms so we can fully appreciate it.

No housework Day is on April 7. If you have started spring cleaning, use this day as a breaking point. Give yourself some time off from the dusting and rearranging. Maybe go get yourself an ice cream and forget about having a house to clean altogether.

April 9 is Name Yourself Day. Have you ever thought that your name just did not fit you? That life would just be so much better if your name was Jim instead of Candace? Let the inner name shine because on this day, you are given the liberty to be called whatever you want.

April 13 is Scrabble Day. Go ahead and bring the Scrabble in and get the game going, you may even be able to take scrabble to your classes as a way to pass the time, if you are lucky that is. If you have any trouble, just tell your teacher about the day and they should be fine.

April 14 is Moment of Laughter Day. Use this day as a time to tell as many jokes as you can and spread the smiles as far as they will go. You won’t regret it, because while you are telling the jokes, you will be smiling as well.

However, April 16 is Stress Awareness Day. Take those smiles and put them in the trash, because this day is all about stress. Remind yourself of all the homework you have to do, all the things you have procrastinated and the relationship problems you have been having, then after, get ready for the day that is ahead.

April 17 is National High Five Day. Give anyone you can a high five to represent how you were able to overcome the previous stress day. If you haven’t high fived in a while, use this as a time to bring the high five back again.

April 20 is Volunteer Recognition Day. If you know a volunteer or have been one yourself, go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. Maybe on this day it can also be motivation to sign up to do a little more volunteering. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you, or someone you know, is recognized on this day.

World Laboratory Day is April 23. This day celebrates great discoveries, inventions and medical cures. If you have a scientist you would like to thank, be sure to do so on this day only, taking pride in those who have made great leaps to better our world.

April 26 is National Pretzel Day. On this day, eat everything pretzel. Pretzel bread, a soft pretzel, a hard one, any candy that may have pretzel in it. Embrace the pretzel-loving persona within you, taking advantage of it while you can.

On April 28, it is Great Poetry Reading Day. If you have a poem you would like to read but haven’t had the chance, go ahead and whip it out on this day, finding your way to the podium in the stage area of Building 8 to read to your heart’s content. Encourage others to participate in the day as well.

We end the month on April 30 with Hairstyle Appreciation Day. Use this day to appreciate the hairstyles that you love, going around complimenting the hairstyles you like, and finding new ways to wear your own hair.