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Unique February Holidays

ByClarion Staff

Feb 3, 2014

We start off the month of Unique Holidays on Feb. 4 with Create a Vacuum Day. This day may seem a little strange to some, but it could take on many meanings. Creating a vacuum could mean you are creating a mental vacuum that takes all of your stress away, or even your debt. However, if you want to attempt to create a vacuum cleaner on this day — by all means, go for it. It may save you some time on trying to fix your broken one that has been sitting in the closet forever.

Feb. 6 is Lame Duck Day. This day has a specific burning sensation to those of you who are worried about losing your jobs. If you have been worried about it, today is the day to meet your maker. If you are a lame duck, on this day you will be, “shown the door” and asked to leave your current position. One positive note about this day is that it can ease your mind. But if you happen to get fired on Feb. 7, don’t blame it on me.

Feb. 7 is Wave All your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day. As opposed to just one specific finger that is used to show anger towards another person, this day is used to put a smile on people’s faces. A small caution: waving all your fingers may not only put a smile on someone’s face, but it may also improve their mood. Be sure to smile extremely big when waving all your fingers so the receiver is aware that you mean well — if not you may end up getting in some trouble.

For all you computer and IT geeks out there, prepare for Feb. 10 because you may be getting some calls, as it is Clean out Your Computer Day. For those of you who know how to clean out your computer, go ahead and go to town. Delete all your used programs; empty your temporary Internet files, do anything as long as it involves cleaning your computer. For those of you who don’t know how to clean out your computer, maybe dusting it will do just fine until you can find a friend who will do it for you.

Apart from Valentine’s Day, National Organ Donor Day is on Feb. 14. Use this day as a time to give back to those who may need it at some point in life. Although most of us do not like talking about death, being able to donate your organs to those who may need it in the future is a selfless thing to do. It may be better than pouting about being single.

Feb. 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day, and one that I think is pretty self-explanatory. On this day you can help pick up a fellow student’s books that have dropped, hold the door open if it happens to be raining, or just comment on how you like someone’s clothes. Whatever you choose to do, do it out of kindness and you will be set.

On Feb. 18 it is National Battery Day. Batteries are everywhere — in our computers, in our phones and in our cars. Can you imagine a world where we would still have to crank our cars to get them to start? What would happen if that battery you so desperately needed was not available? Our lives would be entirely different. Feb. 18 is the day to thank these batteries. Maybe give them a break; don’t charge anything and imagine your life without that battery to remind yourself not to take them for granted.

On Feb. 20 feel free to call up the closest cook that you know and ask for a good ol’ cherry pie, because this day is Cherry Pie Day. If you don’t like cherry pie, use this day as an excuse to make sure that you don’t like cherry pie and try it again.

Feb. 22, International World Thinking Day, is a day that is to be set aside to ponder and contemplate. On this day, take the time to think about your life, how you are going to accomplish your goals, or how awesome it would be to sit around and do nothing. Whatever you plan on doing, make sure you give it some deep thought and your world thinking will be accomplished.

Feb. 24 is none other than National Tortilla Chip Day. This may be a good day to plan on getting Chipotle, Hot Head Burrito or El Rancho Grande. A Mexican restaurant of any kind would be enough to satisfy this day, as long as a tortilla chip is eaten.

National Pistachio Day is Feb. 26. The pistachio is a member of the Anacardiaceous family, which contains plants such as the cashew, mango and poison oak, according to avtreefarm.com. Although this may seem strange to some, pistachios are a healthy nut that can last forever before going expired. They are also an easy thing to add to lunch. Whether you choose to research pistachios or eat them, make sure pistachios are on your mind on this day.

Feb. 27 may be a popular one for students, as it is No Brainer Day. Use this day as a way to try and convince your professors and teachers to go easy on the coursework and make everything a “no brainer.” You can use this day to take a break from the previous holiday where you had to think and contemplate. Just sit on your couch, soaking up the nothingness.

If any of you have taken a nap in the library, feel free to invite your friends on Feb. 28 because it is Public Sleeping Day. On this day you could blame the sleeping in class on the holiday, or decide to put together a place in the library to create a “community sleep” while waiting on your next class. This would be a perfect day to catch up on the sleep that you have longed for since the semester started.

If you have any holidays worth mentioning, email the Clarion @ Sinclair.edu. Happy celebrating.