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Unique holidays in January

ByClarion Staff

Jan 13, 2014

We start out the new year of 2014’s unique holidays with Old Rock Day on Jan 7. Mention this day to your science professors and you may get some extra credit — who knows? Spend the day learning about fossils that have roamed the earth for millions of years and keep the knowledge in your brain so you will have some information to use for the next time someone wants to know about rocks, it may come in handy if you want to start a collection.

Jan. 10 is a day that I know some of my family members would benefit from, as it is Houseplant Appreciation Day. On this day you can finally remember to water those plants you forgot about that are sitting on the windowsill. They need appreciation and on this day don’t be afraid to give it to them.

Jan. 12 is National Pharmacist Day. If you go to pick up some prescriptions on this day be sure to thank your pharmacist and let them know that it is their day. You could even drop by and give them a gift if you wanted, but make sure to let them know that it is all about them.

Jan. 14 is Dress Up Your Pet Day. Go to a pet store of your choice and pick up the cutest little sweater you can find to put on your cat, dog, guinea pig or any other animal you may have. You can even pick up tutus if you wish, but be sure to dress up your animal on this day only.

Jan. 17 is Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. This holiday seems pretty accurate; I would estimate that it takes around two weeks to forget those resolutions that you tried so hard to keep on the first couple days before deciding to ditch them. So on this day, if you haven’t already — ditch those resolutions, they weren’t a good idea anyway.

Jan. 18 is none other than Thesaurus Day. This day would be perfect if you have a paper to write. You can come up with several different words on this day to incorporate into your paper. Whatever you do, make sure you do it while using a thesaurus on this day.

Jan. 19 is National Popcorn Day. Pop some popcorn on this day and bring it to class. I am sure that you will pick up some new friends if they are hungry. If you feel stingy, just eat it in class or make yourself a popcorn necklace.

Jan. 21 is Squirrel Appreciation Day. If you are one of those people who hate when squirrels run out in front of you when you are driving, on this day you are going to have to suck it up and appreciate that the squirrel is coming to greet your car.

On Jan. 23 it is National Handwriting Day. Go and write notes to one of your friends like you did when you were in elementary school and make it a special occasion. Go up to a crush or a significant other and write them a love note. Whatever you do, resist temptation to use a computer to type on this day.

Jan. 28 is Fun at Work Day. Take this day to do some outrageous things and have fun. Decorate the office, or take the day to tell nothing but cheesy jokes. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you have fun doing it and that others are enjoying it too.

On Jan. 29, National Puzzle Day is upon us. On this day go to the store and buy a puzzle that is appealing and take on the task of creating a work of art though puzzle pieces. If you want, you can even bring a puzzle to class and ask if you can put the puzzle together with classmates. It would be wise when purchasing the puzzle to make sure the puzzle is one you can complete, but that is just a suggestion.

On Jan. 31 it is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. Go out and find art that you enjoy or create art on your own. As long as you find a way to inspire your heart with art — you are on the right track.

Do you know of any unique holidays worth celebrating? If so, email them to the clarion@sinclair.edu. Happy celebrating.