• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

This I believe

ByClarion Staff

Dec 2, 2013

“You taught me everything, and everything you’ve given me, I’ll always keep it inside. You’re the driving force in my life. There isn’t anything, or anyone that I can be. And it just wouldn’t feel right, if I didn’t have you by my side.”
Boyz 2 Men wrote “A Song for Mama,” to show their appreciation of their mother. However, I saw the song in a different way. This song made me believe in the true meaning of family.
It was a gloomy fall day as I pulled up to the house. I opened the door and the quiet rose as I tried to see if anyone was home. I found my mother on the edge of the couch. She thought of the words that she would say, because she knew I was going to hear the worst.
“We won’t be living here any longer,” she said. “We have to leave in a week.”
My eyes watered and I wondered how we would pull through. I thought of so many things that day — maybe I should have helped out more or been nicer to my brother. I could have asked for less this year and shown how thankful I was.
I accepted the challenge that was in front of us. Sharing a warm embrace when we were down or giving each other motivation made us stronger. With other members of my family helping out with the move it made everything go by faster. They made sure that we would be alright and always said, “If you need anything, you know I got it because I’m here for you.”
Even though we moved into a smaller place, we’re happy. Nothing has changed and we continue to keep the faith. So whenever you feel as if you have to get away from everyone or wish to go to your second adoptive family, realize that those people are the ones that will be there for you. Be thankful that you have people who care for you — a mother’s warm tone or a father’s loving hug will be there when you need it. They provide you with love and compassion; they know you inside and out.
Family shows you right from wrong, family takes up for you when you’re down, family gives you the strength to keep going.
“You were always there to comfort me and no one else can be what you have been to me. You’ll always be in my life for all times.”