• Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

This I believe

ByClarion Staff

Nov 18, 2013

This is a contributed piece from a writer who submitted her work as a poem. Although the Clarion normally runs stories as editorial pieces, we decided to keep this contributed piece as  it was submitted.


My name is Mariah Quick

and This I believe,

that distance makes the heart grow fonder.

As the fiancé of a man in the Army, I know distance all too well.

And I know distance goes by many names.

Miles, minutes, deployments, days.

I know what distance feels like.

I know the power of distance.

I’ve seen the destruction of distance in the lives of others.

But I’ve also seen distance create beautiful things.

When my fiancé Dakota left for basic training and AIT

With no leave between

I was scared to death, heartbroken, overwhelmed.

I would not see his face.

I would not hear his voice.

I would not feel his embrace.

For oh so long.

No, distance stood between.

I thought I would break.

July 17

I vividly remember watching him board the plane, tears streaming down my face

Holding on tightly to the broken sound of the last I love you and the lingering taste of our last kiss

I was nothing more than a broken emptiness wandering in shock

In such weakness I knew I couldn’t do it alone

I looked up to my Lord and Savior Jesus, and cried out for strength

Cried out for him to fill the emptiness, the loneliness I felt

And He did

My God is a God who always provides

Over and over again I wrote and read encouragement in the word

Phillipians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

He gave me strength

He still does.

Despite the distance, Dakota and I grew stronger

Individually and relationally

The emptiness of the lack of time spent together was replaced

By time spent immersed in reading and writing letters

Encouraging each other, reminding each other of the depth of our love for one another

There’s just something about reading the writing of others that reveals a new side of a person

Something so intimate about written thought

It was an important aspect that grew us closer

Aside from an occasional short phone call on some Sunday nights,

It was our only form of communication

I knew the campus post office hours by heart

I knew when mail was picked up, and when mail was put in the campus boxes

I knew it took two business days for mail to get from Cleveland, Tenn. to Fort Leonard Wood, Miss.

I measured the distance that connected us, not that separated us.


Distance always implies waiting

When distance is measured in time it can seem impossible to overcome

And though I felt that sometimes

I refused to let it consume me.

I took each day one day at a time,

Reminding myself that one day passed is one day closer

One day closer to being reunited with the love of my life, my sweet Dakota

Dec. 5

The day the distance ended

The day I watched the distance close

The day I defied distance

By passing crowds of tightly packed bodies, all trying to close the distance to be reunited with their loved ones

My heart racing, I made a quick decision

I hopped dozens of rows of chairs rather than walking the aisles

My eyes were locked in on my Dakota

I couldn’t move fast enough

I couldn’t think straight

I leaped into his arms and tasted the sweetest embrace of my life

Felt the new deep bond that distance had created in us

Felt the beauty distance had created in our relationship

Once again, distance is a part of our relationship

But we share more than enough love to reach 7,400 miles across the world

365 days

Or any new distance we face in the future

And I do not, nor will I ever fear distance

My love for Dakota still grows everyday

And distance cannot hinder that

No, it only makes me appreciate it more

For I truly know and believe that,

Distance makes the heart grow fonder


Students are welcome to submit their own “This I believe” writing pieces.

The Clarion is open to other student-written opinion pieces that may have been written for a class. 

If interested, submit your piece to clarion@sinclair.edu.

If submitted, we reserve the right to edit the writing piece before it is published. Students should also keep in mind that submission does not guarantee publication.